VI: Consequences Of Bullying The Dragon

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When the shroud vanished to reveal David with his head up, he didn't appear to be any different. He was still the same very overgrown black male he had been a few minutes ago. Then Gaea noticed the subtle differences. His canine teeth had become so long they might as well have been fangs. He had a feral look on his face. His once beautiful chocolate brown eyes were replaced with ones that were a demonic murky mix of blue and red. Not only his irises, but his pupils, his corneas, and his sclerae. His very presence seemed to be creating gale force winds and causing the ground to break beneath his feet, as though he was a God of Destruction and Midgard feared his wrath if it touched him.

Gaea had trouble standing, as, combined with the unending, unearthly speedy winds, the ground was shaking, as though it was fearful of this one mortal.

David lowered his head and fixed his gaze on his target. When Gaea looked directly into his eyes - his demonic-looking eyes - and heard him let out a low guttural growl at her, she ended up backing away. She couldn't help but think that maybe she should rethink her choices and run. The rest of her bodies were dead and she had to face this... This... Thing alone.

Gaea shook her head and forced herself to look at him. Sure, he looked terrifying, but he was still a mortal. No matter how much power he had, she'd still win... Eventually. And then she'd bring him to Gaia for her reward.

David felt the animal inside him rising to the surface more and more. He felt Avery awakening. But he didn't give a damn. He enjoyed it; he welcomed it. If it would help him beat Gaea into a bloody pulp, he would gladly accept it. A part of him that still thought rationally thought that he should incapacitate her and nothing more; that he shouldn't go back on his morals. David simply ignored it. Gaea would pay dearly.

David couldn't begin to describe the thirst for blood he was feeling. His own blood seemed to be boiling. He felt such anger, such rage, that he knew that anything that dared to stand in between him and Gaea would run if it intended to survive, for the sleeping beast was awake. He focused his sight on Gaea. He could see the fear in her eyes, but also saw that she couldn't bring herself to scream.

David roared, then charged.

Gaea jumped backwards and began running, as the ground began to crack under the immense pressure of David's newly risen chi. David punched his arm forward. Instantly, a thin tether of rainbow fire stretched itself towards Gaea, until it hit her dead in the face.

Gaea spun around, then landed, and outstretched her hand just in time as David began firing blasts of fire at her, which were deflected by her telekinesis.

"Is that all?" Gaea asked, then immediately chastised herself for asking such a cheesy line and tempting fate.

David growled, as water began to cover up their area. David disappeared into the vast liquid, seemingly moving stealthily.

Gaea turned her head to the left and saw David moving towards her at an impossible speed for a land creature. She clapped her hands and let out another telekinetic force field, which put her on the bottom of the new lake, covered on all sides by the water. Suddenly, David's hand grabbed her face, and several pillars of fire erupted out of the ground behind her. As he tried to push himself into the circle, Gaea forced his hands off of her, then punched him. David grunted and attempted again. Gaea couldn't believe her eyes.

Impossible, she thought.

She was sent flying by the recoil, skidded across the surface of the water, and crashed head first into solid rock. David had had enough. He began preparing his ultimate attack. Red wisps of fire began to condense themselves into one huge ball. However, before he could finish, Gaea sent a large piece of rock on top of him, which exploded immediately from the destructive, dense chi. The clearing of the smoke revealed that David wasn't even fazed. He looked way more annoyed than hurt. Gaea looked at the flames dispersing above him. Was he making a force field of his own?

"Rrgh..." Gaea grunted. "In that case." She clapped her hands together. "Πλανητικό καταστροφή!"

The ground under David's feet began to crack and break, then they suddenly began flying into the air. David was fortunate enough to be on one of the many rock going into the air. The rocks would crash into each other and form a neat earth ball, that grew bigger with each new boulder crashing into it. David roared defiantly and blasted the ball with his flames. The attack blew a huge hole into the gravity defying boulder, and, for one moment, the rocks stopped mid-flight. Then, they broke apart and continued flying towards the boulder. David's rock was now too small for him to properly attack and he crashed into the boulder. He hissed and attempted to move off of the giant boulder, when more rocks crashed right where he was, and buried him deep in the boulder. Where there used to be land, was now a huge, seemingly bottomless crater under the boulder.

Gaea exhaled, allowing herself to relax. Then she heard the rumbling. "What?"

Something was trying to get out of the large landmass.

"So powerful." Gaea murmured in awe.

David burst out of the boulder up to his torso, with his lower body still stuck in the rock.

"To think he could tunnel himself out," Gaea said in awe. "I'm impressed. I should en- What?"

David was completely frozen. He should've been more than able to move around if he could break out, yet he wasn't moving. He was trembling; twitching.

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