V: David Pounds a Goddess

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Lizzy coughed as the dust settled, then breathed and raised her head. Immediately her eyes widened in horror and disbelief.

"Huh?" she said, as she saw her friends and other people's bodies stuck in the rubble of the school. "No... This isn't..."

Pandemonium swept across the land and the school had fallen quickly before Gaea's divine might. All that was left was the wretched - sunk in despair - and the cold bare earth.

Lizzy clenched her hand on the ground, tears falling from her face. "...d." she sobbed. "Come home." she raised her hand and yelled into the sky, as if it was listening to her pleads. "David! Hurry! Please! David!" She didn't like the idea of begging. But all that was left was David. She couldn't possibly beat Gaea, but maybe her brother could.

At that moment, at the epicenter of the blast, where the five bodies of Gaea were, a man suddenly landed hard on the ground, after falling from a grand height. He was dressed in a gray trench coat over a shirt that said "Gi Opp, Du Mister" on it, with navy blue jeans. Gaea had no idea what those words meant but she thought it was safe to assume that they meant something significant.

"So you came." Gaea commented.

Despite the swift defeat that had been dealt to the people, there was one among them, who still dared to turn his truculently defiant wrath upon Gaea. That one was David, now wielder of Niflihian strength. David may have held an extraordinary spirit within him, but Gaea did not fear him. Gaea possessed the power of a Prôtogenoi, the most powerful of the gods. She fixed her gaze on her target.

"Finally, we met, du vet." David seethed through clenched teeth, giving Gaea a dark stare. Spontaneously, rain began to pour down on them, mildly surprising Gaea. "Jeg har ventet! I promise you. You are all going to pay!"

Gaea was unshaken by David's proclamation. "However much you bay and bellow," she dismissed, "The truth of the matter will not change. You cannot win. Surrender, boy. The Greeks themselves could not contain us. Your gods could not beat us. We are Prôtogenoi. Feared by even the strongest gods."

   David smiled angrily at her. "I am David James Reeves ." he replied. "You want to know the monster monsters and Prôtogenoi fear, what they have nightmares about? Me."

"Hmph." Gaea grunted. "Gaia was right. You do not listen. We'll take you by force then."

David clenched his teeth, as he and the lead Gaea stared each other down. As David continued to look at the bitch goddess' face, his anger rose and the weather responded. Thunder boomed and lightning continued to flash. A strong gust of wind blew and whipped their clothes around.

"Bring it." the lead Gaea ordered.

David was more than happy to oblige and advanced, along with the head Gaea.

David had been undergoing severe training the past two months. He survived it all against all odds and now he was going to fight the woman who had murdered one of his friends. David had to win. He hadn't come all this way to lose to this pathetic excuse for a goddess. David traded quick blows with Gaea. At first, it seemed as though Gaea had the upper hand. David had never seen this particular Gaea's fighting style; it was unorthodox and unpredictable, and he struggled to find an appropriate stride. If he thought he had figured out that her left leg would twitch as she aimed with her right fist, Gaea would make it stop, as though she was toying with him. He could do nothing but stay on the defensive as Gaea pummeled him with blows. However, while Gaea was attempting to end the battle as quickly as she could, David was in no such rush. David finally noticed Gaea's rush left her vulnerable to counterattacks.

Perfect, he thought.

    David made an attack that left him wide open. Something Gaea couldn't resist. She moved to counter, only for David to painfully counter her counter. He grabbed her arm and punched its elbow, before slamming his hand on her kneecap, then kicking her in the stomach.

The Hell of the Nine Realms: Wrath of the DivineKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat