Do you remember? pt.2

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"Okay that was when I realized I was falling in love with Agent, now it's your turn to tell us when you fell in-love with me!" I looked down at Agent since I was sitting on his lap. He faintly smiled as he looked up, recollecting the time he fell in love with me.

"Okay okay I got it! Chat do y'all niggas wanna hear my part?" He looked at his screen as chat started to flow faster than it was before.

Nigga duh

Just start the story man

Agent just be talking fr


she's so fine



Hurry up

I laughed as they all pressed Agent to start the story. He huffed and rolled his eyes at how his chat speaks to him. "Alright damn why y'all so pressed!?" He exclaimed. "C'mon start your story I like to hear about myself!" I urged him while slightly chuckling. He smirked and rolled his eyes at my antics.

"Okay I realized I was in love with you when I was sick that one time and you came to care for me."


I woke up today not feeling so good. My back was hurting my throat was sore and my nose was super stuffed. I sat up in my bed to check the time, seeing that it was 12:00pm my eyes widened in surprise. I never woke up this late like ever. I looked back at my phone screen to see a text from Justine.

I had only known her for about 4 months and we were taking things super slow, but I was really starting to like her a lot. I opened my phone to times more than just one text from her but actually 5.

Good morning handsome! How'd you sleep??☀️

Hello? Are you okay??

Okay well I hope you have a good day since you won't answer me lmao! 💀

I know you're a super busy man, but it's 11:30 and you haven't texted back.. I'm getting worried

Maybe I'm just being dramatic, am I?

I chucked at her worries about me. She really was a super nurturing person and always put people before herself so these messages weren't anything out of the ordinary. I decided to call her and ease her nerves.

"Hello?! Oooh you don't look so good!" She whispered into the phone. I chuckled at her bluntness and shook my head. "Why thanks Justine. You look amazing today!!" I replied with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. "Haha sorry I didn't mean it like that, but seriously are you feeling good?" She asked looked really hard into the screen.

My heart melted a little at her concern for me. "I mean not really I think-" I broke out into a fit of coughs before I could finish my sentence. "I think I'm coming down with something." I cleaned my burning throat.

"Ok then I'll come over." She said while getting up grabbing her keys. "Justine as much as I would love to see you, I don't want you to get sick!" I huffed while flopping down onto my bed. "Aww you want to see me!??" She gushed as she ignored the most important part of my sentence. I spilled into the phone at her silliness.

"I'll be okay J. I just need to sleep and I'll be just fine!" I tried to convince her but she was already getting into her car.


Justine Pov:

I walked through the cvs by my house as I grabbed some NyQuil, a thermometer, cooling gel pads, soup, gatorade, and some cough drops. I felt really bad for Agent and I really wanted to nurse him back to health. After collecting everything that I needed I paid at the front and made my way to my car.

I pulled up to the Amp crib about 30 minutes later and hopped out the car. Chris answered the door and let me in. I went into the kitchen and started warming up the soup on the stove setting it on a low temperature so I had enough time to tend to Agent.

I left the kitchen and made my way upstairs to his room.


Agent Pov:

I looked up as I heard someone coming into my room. I smiled once I seen it was Justine. "How are you feeling?" She whispered as she sat at the end of my bed. "Super fucking bad" I sighed while putting more tissue into my nose. She giggled and grabbed her bag and pulled out some cough syrup. I groaned out loud making her side eye me. "Boy boo" she said with a small chuckle.

She poured the correct amount of syrup into the little top and walked over to me with a evil smile on her face. "Open up!" She said while laughing at my dismay. I drank the butter liquid while almost spitting it out. She walked back to her bag to grab a thermometer.

"Imma just check your temp to make sure you're not skyrocketing!" She said while placing it in my mouth first, then placing it in my armpit. "Damnn 101 degrees!" She exasperated while grabbing some type of pad. "These are cooling gel pads, they should help bring your temperature down some and keep you cool over all, so don't take them off!" She looked at me making sure she said the last part sternly.

After she placed them on my forehead she stood up from the bed. "I gotta go stir the soup, I'll be right back! Drink the Gatorade I brought you, you need to stay hydrated" Before she could make it out my room I stopped her, "No stay in here!" I whined. She rolled her eyes and walked back to the bed. "Din you need to eat something!" She said in a hushed tone. "No, I can wait just stay in here, for right now at least." I grabbed her arm.

She smiled and got in the bed behind me and placed her arm around my torso. Her hand caressing my stomach while her other hand slightly played in my locs. I smiled, just for a second forgetting that I was sick because all I could think about was Justine. She took the time out of her day to come and care for me. My emotions were all over the place, and I don't think the sickness was helping. As I drifted to sleep I could only think about one thing, I think I'm in love with her.


Present time:

"Awww that's a cute story and all, but guess what chat!" I said while looking at the monitors. "My ass got sick 2 days later and Agent was nowhere to be found!!" I huffed exaggerating my sentence.

L mans

WOW agent

leave him Justine

Another Agent L

I could treat you better

"Okay in my defense chat, I went back to Canada to visit family and she got sick after my flight!" He rebutted. "Yea yea whatever you say!" I added while rolling my eyes. He looked at me with a slight smile on his face and he started tickling my sides. "Din sto- stop okay okay I'm sorry!" I laughed as I tried to get off his lap. He stopped while giving me a toothy smile.

I pushed his arms away from me, but that only encouraged him to pull me closer to him. He placed a small peck on my lips, "I love you" he whispered. "I love you too."

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