Babysitters Club

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*ring ring*

I looked down at my phone on the counter as I wiped my hands on the front of my apron. My sisters contact photo blaring in the screen made me answer almost immediately.

"Hey what's up?!" I said while pressing the phone to my ear.

"Hey Justine! this is so late notice I'm sorry,but Kaziah's babysitter canceled on me and I have a long list of errands to run today, and I really need someone to watch him!!" She desperately announced.

" Oh that's no problem, just bring him to my place and me and Agent will watch him for you!!" I said getting excited to see my little nephew.

"You're an angel!! Ok I'll be over in about 20 minutes!" She said and hurriedly hung up the phone.

As soon as I set the phone back on the counter Agent walked into the kitchen. "Who were you talking to?" He said while bending down to look in the fridge. "My sister called and asked if I could babysit Kaziah!" I turned around and leaned my back on the counter to see him better. "Oh, did you say yes?"

"Yea, they'll be here in like 20 minutes." I said before slapping his butt and running out the kitchen. "I hate you!" He said while rolling his eyes walking up to me. "You know you love me" I smiled and leaned upwards to kiss him. His hands slid down to my lower back, slowly making their way to cuff my ass. He pulled me closer to him so that both our fronts were flesh against each other.

"Uh uh!" I said as I pulled away from him a little. "What baby?" He looked down at me confused. "We can't be doing all that! My nephews gonna be here any minute!" He sighed and put his hand back on my waist. "Okay we can be quick, 10 minutes max!" He said like it was the smartest idea ever.

"Yeah no cause we both know it's never ten minutes." I explained with a bored tone. "Just wait until tonight" he said with a stupid ass grin on his face. "Whatever" I said smiling while rolling my eyes at his antics.

15 minutes after going back and forth with Agent, my sister finally rang the door bell. "Heyyyy guysss!" I opened the door with a huge smile on my face. "Hey Justine!! I would stay and chat but I really have to go!" She said while handing me Kaziah, his backpack, and booster seat. "Um everything he needs is in there, call me if you need me! Bye bear mommy loves you!" She said while turning around and exiting my house.

After I shut the door and dropped all his stuff I looked down at the two year old in my arms. "Hey Ziah!" I kissed his cheeks as he smiled and pushed my face away. I set him down and he immediately ran for Agent. Making that familiar toddler screech that we all know. "Hey buddy!!" Agent laughed while picking Kaziah up and throwing him in the air.

I smiled at the both of them feeling my heart clench at the sight. Agent sat down on the couch with Kaziah still in his arms. I guess he didn't want to sit down as I watched him squirm out of Agents arms and waddle over to his backpack. "Toy!" He shouted and he fumbled with the zipper.

"Here let me help you baby!" I reached down to open up his bag and pull out two transformer toys and a couple of race cars. "YAYY CAR!" He screamed while eagerly grabbing them and flopping on the ground to play with them. "Okay someone really loves cars." I laughed and sat next to Agent on the couch.

3 hours later.

After playing with Ziah for a couple hours we decided to go to the Amp house and chill out there for a bit. I buckled Ziah into the back of Agents truck and we were on our way. "I hungy" I heard him say as I turned down the music. "You want McDonald's?" Agent asked as he stopped at the red light. "Pweasee" Kaziah said in the sweetest tone ever.

After getting his McDonald's we made our way to the Amp house. As I turned around to check on Ziah I noticed he was sleeping. "Awww baby look at him!" I cooed at him sleep with a chicken nugget in his hands. "Aww he looks so adorable" Agent whispered. We got him out the car and started making our way into the house.  

I carried his food as Agent had Ziah on his shoulder. We made our way upstairs into Agent room. When we got in there we removed our shoes and went to lay Ziah in the bed. "Um before he falls into a super deep sleep I should go get his backpack so I can change his closes and wash him up just a bit" I said looking up at Agent. "Okay I'll stay here with I'm just in case he wakes up" he said while bending down to place a quick peck in my forehead.

I walked out of Agent's room and made my way down the dramatic ass staircase. Right before I could get to the garage I heard an all to familiar voice.

"Shhh follow me!" I heard Chris say. I turned around and tried to adjust my eyes to the dark hall. "Okay okay, should I take off my shoes?!" I heard another familiar voice giggle. What the fuck!?

I found the nearest light switch and flicked it on in a instant. To my surprise I see Chris and my best friend Cici standing at the end of the hall hand in hand. "Now what the hell is going on?" I said with a sly expression on my face.

"Oh shit! Uh heyy Justine!" Chris' voice cracking as he staggered out his sentence. "Oh hey Justine my ass!! What y'all doing?" I said while crossing my arms. "Nothing we just hanging out, you know normal shit!" Cici whispered.

I was so in shock. "You know what imma talk to both y'all asses tomorrow cause this shit don't make no sense!" I said while staring at them with a disappointed face. I couldn't believe they were messing around and didn't at least tell me! Like c'mon now!

They giggled and snuck down the hall going to continue their sneaky act. I tried to get the image out my head and went to the car. As I retrieved the backpack I locked the car and made my way back into the house and up them long ass stairs. When I got into Agent's room if was awfully quiet. I looked around and seen Kaziah and Agent laying in the bed together snuggled up.

  I almost melted from the cuteness. I quickly grabbed my phone and took about 15 photos, all from different angles. I decided to change Mmmmmm text my sister and tell her that we would keep baby Ziah until tomorrow, to which she agreed. I changed out of my clothes and went to join the two in bed, Agent's arm immediately wrapping around me and Kaziah pulling us both closer and we all fell into a deep sleep.


I'm just putting out bullshit 😖

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