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*insert traumatic ass apple alarm

I rolled over to grab my phone off of my night stand to cut off the horrendous sound coming from it. I sat up and groaned, remembering that it was 3:00am. Today me and Agent are going to New York to visit my family.

I looked over to see Agent on his side with his back facing me. His light snores indicating that he was still asleep. I huffed as I got up to go to the restroom. I used the toilet, brushed my teeth and, completed my skincare routine. As I started taking the two braids out my hair I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Good morning!" I said as I looked up to see a groggy Agent. "Morning" he mumbled but I bearly understood what he said since his face was planted in my neck. "How long have you been up?" He said lifting his face up and placing a kiss onto my jawline. "Umm since three, what time is it now?" I asked while wetting my hair. "Three-thirty" he answered while walking to the toilet.

While he got himself situated I went to go and get dressed. Since we are going to the airport I wanted to wear something comfortable. I decided against wearing makeup, mostly because the majority of it was in my luggage. I wore a matching black sweatshirt and sweats with my hair in a slick back bun on the back of my head.

About 20 minutes later Agent was finally ready. He grabbed both of our luggage's from our room and brought them into the living room. "Alright you ready?" I asked as I grabbed us a water bottle out the kitchen. He nodded and we made our way out, making sure to double check that my door was locked.

The drive from my house to the airport was 45 minutes so we would probably make it there by 5:00 since it was currently 4:15. We decided to take Agents brand new Tesla and just leave it at the airport. I begged Agent to stop and get us something to eat cause I was starving but he said we should wait until we get to the airport. Ugh.

Once we got to the airport we immediately went through TSA which was a hassle itself. The w e went to find out gate which took a cool minute. When we finally found it we had a hour to spare before we have to board our flight. So we decided on getting something to eat finally. I got to choose where we ate, and I was really craving some chipotle. After we got out food we went to the gate and got on our plane.

After The Flight

Our flight was pretty short, only 2 hours and some change. When we landed we called an Uber to take us to my moms house. "I'm so excited!" I said while grabbing Agents arm as we sat in the back of the car. "I'm glad you are!" He said while leaning down to peck my lips. I haven't seen my family in a few months because of my constant touring so getting to see them while be the highlight of my year.

When we finally made it to my moms house we were immediately welcomed in by my whole family. All of the guys welcoming Agent and all of the women gravitating towards me. I hugged all my aunties and cousins, but i still haven't seen my mom. I walked into the kitchen to see her standing over the stove stirring something in a pot.

"Hey momma!" I said while walking up to hug her. "Aww I didn't know you was here yet!!" She said while squeezing the life out of me. "Where's Din?" She said while letting go of me. "Um he was in there saying hi to all the guys!" Shortly after I answered Agent walked into the kitchen. "Hey Ms.Perry!" He said as he walked over to hug her. "Hey Din!! How are you honey!" She asked as she squeezed the life out of him too.

"I'm super good, how are you!" He replied while looked at her. "I'm good baby, just excited to see you two, when am I gonna get some grand babies?" She asked while gently slapping his upper arm. "Momma!" I said with a whinny tone. "Girl hush!" She said while checking her pot on the stove. I looked over at Agent and rolled my eyes at the situation, while amusement was written all over his face.

We later exited the kitchen and made our way into the living room as we waited for the food to finish cooking. The game was on so once Agents eyes landed on the tv I knew I wasn't gonna talk to him or any of my other guy relatives until the food was ready. I scrolled on my phone for a good thirty minutes until I heard my aunt call me into the kitchen.

As I walked in I was surprised to see my two cousin Lea and Jordyn along with my two aunts and my mom. "What's up!?" I asked as they all stared at me. "We want to talk to you girl, you and Mr handsome didn't fly out here for nothing!" My aunt said as she chopped up some carrots. I chucked at her name for Din and replied, "Okay I'm all yours!" I was ready for whatever questions were about to be thrown at me.

"When are y'all gonna get married?!" My aunt asked. "Umm whenever he proposes, but it's not a rush we'll see when the time is right!" I answered. "Okay we'll don't you think it's time for y'all to start thinking about marriage?" She asked again. "Umm no, if we're not ready then we're not gonna think about it!" I said super slowly so it could click in her head.

"Well I'm just saying, if I was with a man for more than a year and didn't have a ring then he ain't no real man!" She said voicing her unwanted opinion. I held back the urge to roll my eyes at her. "Okay well we are two different people so my relationship doesn't work the same as your failed ones." I remarked, hoping that she got the hint that she had no room to talk about anyone's relationship.

"We'll excuse me!" She yelled starting to stand up. "You're excused!" I said raising my voice. "Don't be fucking disrespectful to me! I am your elder!" She said while getting in my face. "Aw hell naw! You disrespect my relationship thinking you know everything when you can't even keep a fucking boyfriend for the life of you and now when I defend myself you're pressed!!?"

"Uh uh y'all need to stop now!" My mom said trying to separate us but it was no good. I felt bad for ruining this perfect trip but this bitch isn't about to get away with disrespecting me. "I'll whoop your little ass! You think cause you in a relationship you bad now!!" She said with a bunch of spit flying from every inch of her mouth. "Girl back the fuck up!!" I yelled. "Don't fucking talk to my kid like that!!" My mom said getting upset as well.

"Fuck both of y'all! Justine go back to that nothing ass man you got!" She hollered. Before I could put my hands on her I felt someone pulling me away. I shortly realized it was Agent as we entered the guess room. "Baby calm down, calm down!" He said as he turned me to face him and he stoked my back.

"No I don't know what her fucking problem is!! Fucking crazy ass bitch!" I was fuming. Agent pulled me closer into his chest and stroked the back of my head. "It's alright don't listen to what she's saying, she's probably just going through something on her own and took the anger out on you." He said while pacing kisses on top of my head. "Still that doesn't give her the fucking right to say the things she did!" I huffed while hugging him back.

"It's okay, she's your family and family makes mistakes, not saying you have to forgive her but don't let her anger you, not when you came down here to have fun baby!" He said while pulling back to look me in my eyes. "You're right! Thank you baby!" I said while reaching up to pull his head down so I could kiss him. "I think I heard her leave, do you want to go back out there?" He asked while wiping my cheeks with his thumb.

"No let's just stay in here for a bit longer please" I answered. He looked down at me and smiled, "Anything for you!"


What would you do if a relative started disrespecting you like the aunt did Justine??

Me personally I'm whoopin ass 💁🏾‍♀️

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