Chapter three.

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Bruce's POV.

I woke up nice and early, remembering that the big game wasn't tomorrow. But it was today. I looked at the time, quickly getting up. Twenty minutes until the game. I took a quick shower, didn't have to do my hair since it stays in its place, and finally got my baseball outfit on. I grabbed my equipment, and my glove which was somewhere under my desk from throwing it last night.

Ten minutes left.

I rushed downstairs, my family in the car. I hurriedly ran out of the door, shutting it closed and rushing into the car.

Five more minutes.

Once I got there, I ran out of the car and into the field. I quickly got into my place as the rest came out. I didn't bother waving or going up to Vance. I just wanted to beat Vances brother's ass in this game.

As the game started, everything started to go into slow motion as I made eye contact with Vance in the crowd. He smiled a bit and waved; I didn't wave back.

Suddenly I hit a home run. I started to run place to place, hearing coach yell "HOME RUN!" Is this really happening?! I was so excited as I walked to the crowd of my team, all of them chanting my name.

I looked over at the other team, all of them mad. I laughed a bit when I saw Vances brother throw his hat down.


Once I got home, there was a big party for me. I had fun at the party, it was very tiring though.

Vance's mom came to talk to my mom, but Vance didn't. Good.

Vances POV.

Zane Sage Hopper, my brother, was so angry. He was throwing stuff around in his room. Pathetic. My mom was at Bruces party. Would have gone but Bruce is ignoring me, and I haven't apologized to him. I know he's ignoring me because he didn't wave back, and he broke eye contact quickly. I should go to his house and apologize.

I put my boots on, yelling at Holden before I walked out of the door. I think I remember where Bruce lived.

I walked to a somewhat empty neighborhood, my stomach twisting at the creepiness of it. I walked up to Bruces house and knocked on it...

An old, fat, greasy, somewhat long-haired guy answered the door. That doesn't look like Bruces dad..Maybe it's his grandpa?

"Hey..Are you uh Bruce Yamada's grandpa?" I nervously asked. I've never been this nervous before.

His lips twisted into a sick grin, well more of a smirk.

"Why yes I am." He spoke in a soft voice, but behind the tone was an evil presence, waiting to lead me into something...

Suddenly, everything went by fast. The greasy guy grabbed me by my neck with a very tight grip, throwing me into his house. My head slammed against the floor hardly, everything becoming blurry and hard to see.

He walked over to me, before I could fight back, I felt a sharp pain hit me before everything went black.

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