Chapter four.

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Vances POV.

I woke up in a dark, gloomy, large basement. How'd I get here? I looked down and noticed the old, grey, stained bed I'm on. Yuck. I got up, stumbling a bit. I spotted a door and ran over to it, trying to open. It's locked.

"LET ME OUT YOU FUCKING HAG!" I screamed, banging on the door. I gave up a bit later, walking around and looking around the cold basement much more now. I spotted a toilet, god..Looks like it's been there for ages. Suddenly, the door opened. I ran over there but quickly stepped back when I saw the greasy hag again..But he had a mask on now. It was a devil looking mask, the chin and face part looked like they are separate pieces.

"How's your head?" He asked with a deep tone of voice, tilting his head a bit.

I ignored him, walking into a corner.

"It's not nice to ignore people." He growled before storming off, shutting the big door and locking it.

Goddamn it Bruce.


Bruces POV.

Once the party ended, I went to bed and fell asleep instantly. The only thought in mind when I fell asleep was Vance.

In the morning.

I woke up early again, smiling because I didn't have any more games since the big game was the last one of the season. Try outs will be sometime later in the summer. I decided to bike to the field and practice.

Once I got my equipment, I walked out front, got onto my bike and started to bike over to the field.

When I got to the field, something catched my eye. Missing posters were all over the fence. Weird..

I chained my bike onto one of the fences, walking over to one of the posters.

I dropped my equipment.

Vance was missing..

I left my equipment there, took the chain off of my bike and started to bike to Vances house.

Suddenly, a black van pulled up next to me.

"Abracadabra equipment & supplies" was on the side of the van. Sketchy.

An older guy came out. He had a pale face, sunglasses, a top hat, and some type of red and black..suit?

"Hey kid, need a ride?" He asked, smiling with his yellow teeth.

"Uh yeah! Sure" I smiled back.

Suddenly, I spotted black balloons in the back window of his van.

"What are those balloons for?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh these?" He asked, opening the back of the van. "I'm a part time magician" He said with a smile, shaking a can up.

I smiled, was he going to show me a magic trick?

Suddenly he grabbed me and sprayed something into my face and mouth. It tasted like fresh copper. Everything started to get blurry, I saw the black balloons fly away before getting shoved into the back of the van, everything going pitch black.

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