Chapter 1 - Cinder & Kai

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    "Ugh, it's just not right!" Exclaimed Cinder, as she went to pull the dainty bobby pin out of her hair. She gathered her silky hair into a tight messy ponytail and collapsed into the fine satin chair.
                                             She glanced in the mirror at her silk dress and elbow length gloves to match. Who knew being a queen was so difficult. She got up to put on some shoes when someone knocked on the door.

    "Come in!" Yelled Cinder as she adjusted her cyborg foot into the tight fitting shoe.

     Her maid Tina took one look at her majesty's hair and sighed.

    "You won't ever get ready if you keep undoing your hair."

  "I know but it just doesn't feel right all nice like that." Cinder patted her ponytail and glanced in the mirror. She wasn't quite ready to dress like a queen, and she certainly wasn't ready to be one. Tina walked towards Cinder and took out the messy ponytail she had just put in. She twisted it back into a neat bun and slid the bobby pin back in.

    "Don't take it out again.... your majesty." She gave a small curtsey and left the room without another word.

Now looking just like a queen should, she was given one last pat down and walked into the hall. In the hall there was a solid white screen and a little white bench for Cinder to sit on. There was a little squat man behind a camera. He was dressed so nicely that you would assume he was the one who was getting filmed instead. She sat down on the little bench and adjusted her dress, smoothing out the wrinkles.

"Do you remember what to say your majesty?" asked one of Cinders advisers.

Cinder cringed at the title but caught her self and smiled gracefully.

"Yes, thank you." Replied Cinder as she turned to face the camera.

Unlike Cinder's aunt, Queen Levana, Cinder did not use a glamour and wasn't going to wear a veil in front of the camera. Instead Cinder sat, confidently staring at the camera, but she kept her hands low so no one would see her restless fingers.   

The camera man raised his hands and did a silent countdown. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1.

"Hello citizens of Luna and residents of Earth. I am Queen Selene....


Kai stared at the net screen. Cinder was making an announcement from Luna.

Ever since she murdered Queen Levana, and took back her throne Earth's relationship has never been better. But he still couldn't get over the fact that she was queen. Queen. Not just the small mechanic at the market that wouldn't go to the ball with him. She was queen of Luna. So far she has acted just as a queen should. And she hasn't used her glamour once. He could tell. Every time he saw her she looked a little bit more off.

"Your majesty, Queen Cinder is requesting a comm."

Kai glanced at the net screen and saw it had gone black. He had missed most of it already.

"Thanks, I will be right there ." Replied Kai as he turned off the net screen and stood up with a huge stretch. Kai walked over to the net screen and excepted the comm.

"Hello your majesty." Said Kai with a toothy grin.

Kai was so excited to see Cinder again that he forgot to act like the proper Emperor

"Hello Emperor Kai," Replied Cinder. "How is the Common Wealth?"

"It's still recovering from the plague and the lunar attack but we managing for now."

"That's great! Well you must know that is it finally time to forge an alliance with Luna now."

"I agree." Kai was so happy to be having this conversation with Cinder instead of Levana.

Cinder smiled, then flinched away and gasped.

"Are you alright?" Kai asked with genuine concern in his eyes.

"Yes I'm fine, but we are not here for me, we are here for the alliance remember?"

"Oh yes. You can come to the Common Wealth in two days time to sign the alliance paper."

"Yes that's perfect. I'm being called away now. I'll see you in two days time."

And with that Cinder left.

Kai just sat there staring at the screen until he was told he had to make a speech in an hour. Kai got up to leave. As he stood up he caught his reflection in a mirror that was hanging on his wall. Kai was grinning like a mad man. Two days time. Just two days then he would see Cinder again.

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