Chapter 7 - Iko & Kai

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"I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE!" Exclaimed Iko as she admired herself in the mirror. She turned around and gave Kai and enormous kiss on the face.
"I'm glad you like it." Chuckled Kai as he ran his fingers nervously through his hair. He was so relieved that this gift for Iko (and Cinder) had turned out okay. She had seemed a bit off lately and he hoped this would cheer her up.
"Okay so I know it's only been an hour or so since you've been reinactivated or whatever..."
"One hour 37 min 46 sec and counting" corrected Iko as she toyed with her hair in the mirror.
"Well... That. But anyway Cinder is com-..."
"Ohmygosh" shouted Iko interrupting Kai once again. "How is she? I've been away for so long and-..."
"Iko. Please let me finish."
"Sorry." Said Iko as she turned her stunning green eyes upon Kai. Something that he had not quite gotten used to yet. Human Iko... Not something you see everyday.
"Okay so Cinder is coming down in a day and we are planing a party and I need your help cause you know her better than me and I need it to be I effect and-..." He glanced at Iko who was still staring intently at him.
"I'm an android. I just noted everything you said"
"Well it's not that. It's just that... Cinder has been acting a bit off lately and I just want everything to be perfect."
"We can do this Kai. Just give some palace ID chips or whatever so I can buy things and tell people what to do and this party will be perfect." She looked at him, dead serious. It was scary how human like Iko was in this new body.
"Okay, I can do that, but you promise not to overdue it. Cinder is still not used to the whole," Kai made air quotes with his fingers, "hello I'm Selene and I'm the Queen of Luna. So try not to overdue it.
"Thank you so much Iko. And I know you're new in this body, so good luck,... And try not to overdue it... Please.
"Yes Kai. You imperial highness. I got this." And with that Iko turned around and walked past some royal guards, throwing flirty smiles this way and that. Kai shook his head, filled with relief that he got Iko a body and she was handling this so well. He needed it to be perfect. He glanced at the sky knowing Cinder was on her way. One more day and Cinder would be here.

It's short. But here is another chapter. Please vote and comment what you think. I haven't checked over it so I'm SURE there's spelling errors. Just bare with me. Also I'm going to start writing another book, it's not going to be based on The Lunar Chronicles, but please give it a chance. I'll let you know more about that when the time comes. <3 you!!

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