Chapter 3 - Kai & Scarlet

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    "Okay I think everything is ready." Said Kai as he clapped his hands together. He was scrambling to get everything perfect for Cinder. He had made sure she had the very best room. Kai had even given Cinder her very own study. He even had a surprise dinner waiting for her. He had invited Wolf, Scarlet, Thorne, Scarlet, and Iko. Well Iko's chip.
    Iko had been destroyed in the last fight they had with Levana's guards. But when Cinder was wheeled away by doctors (She had been shot twice. Once in the arm and once in the leg.) Kai had taken the personality chip out of Iko. Later today he was going to pick up the new body for her.
    But for now Kai had to go make other plans to make the next week the best week possible.


    Scarlet had just woken up. She glanced beside her and saw her love, wolf, was gone. Maybe he was already working in the fields. Scarlet sat up and glanced at the clock on her bedside table. 11:00! Gosh. Someone must had turned her alarm off. She smiled a small smile knowing that, that someone was Wolf.
She heard a loud noise from outside and jumped up.
    "That's one way to get out of bed," Scarlet mumbled as she walked down the stairs to the kitchen.
    She grabbed a cup of cold coffee and an apple. She stepped outside and saw Wolf was repairing her ship. Well it wasn't really her ship, it was her grandma's. But she had kept it because she couldn't bare to part with all the memories of Scarlet's grandma teaching her to fly it.
"Hey babe," wolf growled as he came up behind Scarlet and gave her a bear hug. Scarlet giggled as he spun her around in the air before setting her down.
"Have you checked your comns today? 'Cause their is someone wishing to speak with you." Scarlet giggled again and ran inside while Wolf winked at Kai whom he was speaking to from his port.
Scarlet turned on her Port and accepted the comn that was waiting for her."
"Kai! Ohmygosh it's been so long how are you?!"
" Hey Scarlet, I'm great thanks for asking, but I'm here right now to formally invite to a small party that will be hosted in three days time in my commonwealth. We will be celebrating Cind-, Princess Selene's arrival at the New commonwealth. What do you think, will you be there?
"I wouldn't miss it for the world, but I have no way to get there because Wolf is fixing our ship and..." Scarlet realized she was rambling and stopped. Kai must've noticed this because he awkwardly cleared his throat before continuing.
"I can send transportation that will pick you up tonight."
"That's perfect! I will see you soon then?"
And on that note Kai hung up. Scarlet just sat alone in the house for a bit. Pretending to be happy was exhausting. It hurt her to think about this weekend. The long social parties and laughing. But as long as everyone thought she was ok. Then everything was okay.
Scarlet went upstairs to start packing. After she had packed Wolf's bag and her own bag, she went in the bathroom to pack her bathroom bag.
"Shampoo, Confitioner, Body Wash, Shaving Cream, Razor-..."
She glanced at the razor. Anxiety building in her so fast. She hadn't cut since her grandma had died 8 months ago. And she wouldn't cut now.... She popped the razor blades out of the razor, and brought them to her wrists. The blood dripped onto the counter where she was packing, but she didn't care.
One, two, three. She stopped. Scarlet looked down. She had only cut four slits. She was okay. Scarlet cleaned up the blood then bandaged her arm. She put on her favorite, oversized red hoodie because it covered her arm, and smelled like her grandma.
Scarlet walked back over to the bed and crawled in it. Dreading the moment when the hover would come to pick her and Wolf up later that evening.

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