I think you are owed an explanation.

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Hello, author's note here!! Just wanted to let you know some basic things;

This fic uses gender neutral reader, they/them pronouns throughout and avoids any physical/appearance descriptors where possible :)

This is not a romantic!Five x reader, but I wouldn't call it a platonic one exactly. I'd think of it more as Five & Y/n qpr. Queerplatonic. It'll... make more sense as you go along, but thought I'd let you all know there is no technical romance between you and Five in this fic but 'friends' doesn't quite explain the complexities and intensity of your bond.

REGARDING VIKTOR. I believe his transition is important narratively and SO. Pre-him transitioning, I will refer to him throughout as Viktor and use he/him, but all the characters will refer to him as Vanya and use they/them because I am . a little uncomfortable she/hering a fictional trans person actually!

Also hi i made the cover sorry it is bad!!! im sorry five looks so british i can't help being from the uk and bad at art LMAO . but aside from that. i hope it is somewhat good i have tried my best <3 i will probably. fix up the cover at Some point and make him look more Normal. and teenagered but hey

Oh! Also in this Five's consciousness is 48 i thought id save him an extra ten years in the apocalypse :)

Mosttt of this fic is written already (80% of the through season 3 atm) and all of that was written like,,, last year? this has been written for a Long Time and i thought hm. maybe i should post this... and then continue writing!

This was also posted first on ao3 so excuse any. errors i struggle to use ao3

- Toby

power lines / five hargreeves x gn!readerWhere stories live. Discover now