The Sparrow Academy

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Y/n had remembered a few more things when they went downstairs in the morning. But that was the furthest thing from their mind when they discovered the people there. Marcus, Ben, Fei, Alphonso, Sloane, Jayme, and Christopher. The Sparrow Academy. That's when things really hit.

Ben noticed them first, "Y/n?"

"Ben." Y/n blinked, their eyes wide.

"Y/n! You're back?" Sloane got up from her seat and embraced them in a hug. She took a step back, "You... look just the same."

Fei frowned at them, "Are you okay? How the hell did you get back?"

"I don't know. Uh, the rift spat me back out here last night."

"Does dad know you're back?" Marcus asked, "Have you seen him yet?"

Y/n nodded, "Yeah. Saw him last night."

"Took you long enough to get here." Alphonso remarked, still sitting down and eating. He grinned at them.

Welcome back! Christopher said to them. Y/n was honestly surprised they could understand.

"Hey, stranger." Jayme grinned at them.

Y/n bit their lip and looked at the floor, "Don't... take this the wrong way, guys. But I'm really sorry, I, uh, a lot of my memory's gone."

"How much?" Marcus frowned, staring at them.

"Like, I know who you guys are, I know, uh, myself and I know my powers and I know Mr. Hargreeves and Grace and Pogo and all that but I... I've, like, forgotten a lot of what happened before I got taken." They continued looking away, but moved their eyesight up from the floor to a wall, "I've kind of... forgotten all of our relationships. Even if I remember all of you."

The group was silent. Y/n looked around at them, awkwardly.

"We'll get them back." Fei said, "Don't worry. Over time, you'll see."

Ben looked at Y/n, "We should talk to you about Pogo, though. And dad."

"What... what happened to Pogo?" Y/n looked alarmed.

"He left." Jayme said flatly.


Marcus put a hand on their shoulder, "You don't need to worry about that now. Let me give you a tour of everything that's changed and catch you up. And we'll see over time about those memories of yours."

Y/n just nodded.

The next week passed fine. Y/n found themself quickly adjusting to this, and those memories of theirs occasionally came flashing back. They weren't quite sure what to do with them- where to put them, how to react, who to tell. They didn't tell anyone. They just... felt sad. They still didn't have a complete picture and it was concerning. What was it they had forgotten?

They talked with Ghost on occasion. They had explained some of the context of the memories, but encouraged Y/n not to think about them. Instead, focus on what they could do here. And focus on seeing what they could recall. And focus on their powers. Ghost suggested that getting stronger would perhaps allow them to recall the memories more distinctly.

It was hard. It was like remembering two lives at once. So Y/n kept them safely stored in the back of their mind. And some of them blurred together there. Mostly, they just stayed out of sight and out of mind- it was like they weren't even there. Remarkable, really, what a week can do.

They had begun to build relationships quickly with the others. They were the closest with Fei, Ben, and Christopher. It was easier to build a relationship with Ben, having that familiarity. They'd seen one or two memories of him as a child. They weren't sure which memories they were, but did it really matter? Fei's birds were of great interest to Y/n, who thought they were incredibly cute. Christopher was fascinating to Y/n, who wondered exactly how he came to be.

Of course, they had built up a good relationship with the other four. Jayme was mostly a loner, but was good for late night conversations, especially ones that involved alcohol. Alphonso was also good for things that involved alcohol, though he seemed a bit pompous for them to hold longer sober conversations with.

Sloane had taken them out shopping for more clothes, which Y/n was very grateful for. It was an odd day, really. Apparently the Sparrow Academy was still famous. Y/n was recognised a few times. It made them feel a little self-conscious, being noticed so much. But it was still fun- they picked out a lot of good clothes. Life at the Sparrow Academy was fun, really.

Marcus could be a little strict- he was definitely taking the 'leader' thing seriously. He reminded Y/n of someone else... one of the people from their memories. But despite his strictness and seriousness, he still cared about everyone and made sure that Y/n was okay.

Something that was odd, though, was Reginald Hargreeves. Apparently they'd been given something to keep him calm and relaxed, and that was why he felt so much less controlling. Y/n had never been asked to do it, thankfully, but they had been warned about it. Apparently Pogo had given it to them. Y/n wondered what was the point at which it had been decided that it would be done?

Another odd thing had been that, generally, the group always wore their uniforms when inside the academy. It had thrown Y/n off a little bit- but everything still fit them, and the uniforms were comfortable, so it wasn't that big of a deal, at least.

And despite the odd memories and the rare sinking feelings, everything was fine. And life for that week was as if returning to normal after a long period of unrest. Until that fateful day on April 2nd, 2019.

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