Risky Strategy

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Can you believe that you spent 30 years in other realities and you still can't recall all of your time there? In particular, the longest-running reality you were flung into?

And there was that TV show. The Umbrella Academy.

Do you remember watching it?

Do you remember learning from it?

Do you remember living it?

Y/n awoke with more memories in their head, and the strong desire to read that book Reginald had given to them the night they first arrived. Some of the memories they couldn't tie to anything specific, but just being in the academy seemed to create a sense of familiarity. At times they only had this from certain angles, from some sort of third-party perspective from afar.

After the early meeting discussing what to do about the Umbrella Academy- where they had vouched for remaining peaceful and not antagonising them- they returned to their room to read.

REALITY was interesting. It explained a lot, certainly. Things made a lot more sense and Y/n began to fear they were progressing into the second stage already. They spent about fifteen minutes just staring in the mirror, eyes running over every minor detail of their appearance for any slight sign of visual distortion.

It was about 2pm when they were called into the living room for a meeting. Y/n shrugged and hid the book in their wardrobe.

"We're going to Hotel Obsidian to meet the Umbrella Academy at 3.45pm sharp." Ben said firmly.

Y/n hummed, "Oh, are we giving back that briefcase? Did you guys find it?"

"How do you know about that?" Fei tilted her head slightly in surprise.

Jayme looked between the group, "What briefcase?"

"One of them asked me about it the other day." Y/n shrugged, "Couldn't find it, though."

Ben placed a black briefcase down on the coffee table. It was a completely normal briefcase. Didn't look like one of the Commission's.

They frowned, "That's not theirs, is it?"

"Well, it was a black briefcase and it was in the basement." Ben answered, "So it's the one we're giving them in exchange for Marcus."

Fei shrugged, "We didn't want to open it. Knowing them, it could be a bomb."

"Do we all need to go?" Alphonso folded his arms over his chest, "This feels like a job for two."

"How hard can it be to give back a briefcase?" Christopher's body tilted in what Y/n assumed was his version of a shrug.

"Who knows what they'll do?" Ben said firmly, "We're all going. I wouldn't put it past them to have some kind of trick up their sleeves."

Y/n nodded, "Ah. Whoever has the most tricks wins. Classic hostage situation."

The group looked at them for a moment before continuing with the conversation.

"I'm sure if we just make it simple it'll be a done deal." Sloane offered, "If we are friendly with them, it can be a simple swap and they'll be out of our hair, right?"

"Presumably." Ben said, "But we have no idea. That's why all of us will be there."

Y/n hummed, "Even me? I'm still on, uh, power rest."

"You too." Ben nodded, "We need to present a united front."

"Got it."

"In uniform, everyone. Meet back down here in an hour and a half."

power lines / five hargreeves x gn!readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora