A New Career Path

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"I must admit, Y/n, that was quite an interesting negotiation." The Handler remarked casually as the pair strolled across a tarmac pathway, "In truth, I almost said no."

Y/n nodded, "Naturally. It's important for Five to work here, I know that. But I suppose, in a way, he already is. "They smiled up at her.

"It is refreshing to have someone who can really see the big picture." She remarked, "And to be interested in the job- yes, I think things will work out nicely for you here."

The two entered the main building and the Handler removed her coat. Y/n nodded, sticking their hands in their pockets, "If possible, can we discuss the Umbrellas' survival of the apocalypse as soon as? I would love to get that little detail ironed and squared away."

"One for straight conversation, I see. It's refreshing." She laughed, "But of course, we've got time. All we have is time."

Y/n gave a curt nod, "Of course. But still, for my own peace of mind- I would like to sort it out first."

The Handler waved a hand, "All in good time. Now, since I don't believe you're very familiar with The Commission, let me give you the tour and an explanation of your job here in management."

Y/n hummed absent-mindedly, their eye catching sight of a room labelled 'BRIEFCASE ROOM'.

"The Commission works in support of a delicate balance between the timeline of events and mankind's free will."

They tilted their head, "And how do you know what the correct timeline is?"

She laughed, "A curious mind. Not something you need to worry about, not at your level. Though, perhaps if things go well for you here, you may get to learn."

The pair passed into a corridor, "All the people on this floor are case managers, each one responsible for one major event at a time."

Y/n glanced into a room that seemed to go on forever, filled with people sat at desks typing away at typewriters, "There's so many. Why don't you use computers?"

"We find typewriters allow for a smooth functioning of things. Less room for technical errors, too." She responded, "Come along, no need to worry about logistics."

"Whenever someone chooses the wrong path, and the timeline is changed, the Commission gets a report from field agents on the ground. These field reports are sorted and assigned to a case manager. They determine if anyone needs to be... removed from the equation to assure that their event happens as it should."

They hummed, "Does it always just involve murder? Or is there not an easier way that could just involve changing their mind? Or sabotaging something, doing it yourself?"

"We usually find that the removal of someone down the line fixes the problem," she looked approvingly at Y/n, "though I do admire your enterprising spirit and curiosity."

"Shame. It just seems like a waste." They shrugged.

"Yes, well," she shrugged, "anyway. Based on that determination, the case manager sends instructions via pneumatic tubes to temporal assassins. Much like Five was. Did you know that?"

"I heard." They exhaled in amusement, "Who was the case manager for his whole mess? The one Cha-Cha and Hazel are currently responsible for?"

"Ah, not responsible anymore." She corrected, "A pneumatic tube was sent to them earlier cancelling their mission with Five. With our little... deal in mind, we can't have him dead. Come on, let me show you."

Y/n hummed, following behind her into a much smaller room of typewriters.

They stopped at one of the desks, "Y/n, meet Dot."

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