Early Morning Meeting

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What woke Y/n up was the silent alarm going off in the morning. Y/n sighed, pulling on some more casual clothes and got out of bed, rushing to see what the matter was.

"Marcus has been taken." Ben announced once they were all present.

Terror radiated through Y/n's body, "What do you mean taken?"

"He was last seen talking to that... Umbrella person." Fei said, shaking her head.

Y/n frowned, "Which one?"

"The one with the explosive powers."


Ben cleared his throat, "They've taken our Number One in an act of war, so we're going to take theirs."

Y/n was deeply unsettled, but there wasn't much they could do about it. It was just the nagging feeling of something being off...

"How?" Jayme crossed her arms.

"Me, Christopher and Fei will handle that." Ben said firmly, "If you see any of those Umbrellas..."

"Loud and clear." Alphonso nodded.

After the discussion, Y/n hurried to the basement. Still no kugelblitz. Everything was fine. But it wasn't, it wasn't right? Something was deeply wrong. They didn't even notice that the briefcase in the basement had completely disappeared too. Right alongside Marcus.

It was later in the day, when Y/n arrived to grab lunch, that they became really alarmed. The big one from the other group was sitting there, eating.

"...Fei's birds will peck out your eyes and make a nest in your skull." Ben was saying coldly, tossing an apple.

Fei smiled at him and left the room.

"Y/n!" The big one exclaimed suddenly, looking at them in shock.

Y/n stared at him. They could feel a couple memories trying to worm their way into their mind, "Who are you?"

"This is the Umbrella Academy's number one." Ben said, "He'll be staying with us until the Umbrellas return Marcus."

Y/n continued to stare, "Oh. What's his name?"

"It's- it's Luther." Luther smiled at them. He frowned, "Do you really not remember me?"

"Should I?" They said flatly, ignoring everything in their brain that said otherwise.

"Yes, you... what in the hell happened?" He stared at them in confusion, "Five said it was something to do with your powers... are you sick again?"

Y/n froze, "How do you know about-"

What a nice guy, trying to trick the delusional one. Christopher remarked. The group laughed.

"Hey!" They laughed, grinning at Christopher, "I'm not delusional!"

Luther looked between the group and back at Y/n, his eyes wider, "So you are sick again?"

"How would you know a thing about me?" Y/n hadn't stopped staring at him.

Luther blinked, "Because you're... one of us."

Y/n turned on their heel and left.

They spent the day avoiding the academy, and just taking a walk around the city. It was a nice, fresh breath of air. It was relaxing, even. Just a regular day where they could put all of their thoughts aside. It was odd, to be so calm, for things to be so normal. They felt so... at-odds. It was like there was something they should be doing. Like stopping some kind of apocalypse. Where did Marcus go?

Their thoughts were so cluttered. Interactions felt so short and bare-bones. Life felt like a long collection of short snippets strung together. Did Reality Incompatibility always make them feel this insane? Like slowly they were losing their own mind, like life was a gallery of poorly-structured conversations?

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