Calculations and Calculations

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Y/n woke up in one of the spare rooms, with Pogo sitting next to them.

They groaned, sighing and slowly pushing themself up.

"Ah. Y/n, you're awake." Pogo smiled gently, "Careful."

Y/n blinked, fully realising they weren't in their room. They looked at Pogo with a frown, and he seemed to catch on.

"I took you to one of the spare rooms. I didn't think you'd want blood on your bedsheets." He acknowledged, "How are you feeling?"

Y/n paused for a moment, and all of the memories from last night came flooding back. All of the thoughts. They got beat the shit out of and were helpless to stop Klaus from being kidnapped. The last thing they remembered was sobbing, calling for help curled up on the floor. They must have passed out. There was no longer anything they wanted to do less than talk right now. They grimaced and Pogo seemed to sense this, offering them a notepad and a pen.

Not good. My body hurts. They scribbled.

Pogo nodded, "Sit up properly, and carefully just stand up- make sure you can do that. You healed very well, and I did my best to bandage you up otherwise."

Y/n pushed themself up gingerly, standing up. Their entire body ached, but that wasn't much of a surprise. They nodded slowly. Aching.

"That's to be expected. We'll be lucky if the aching is the worst you have."

They blinked, Is everyone okay?

He looked away and sighed. He looked back at them, "Try not to worry, but Five is missing. I'm sure he will be found soon but-

Missing? No, me and him went off on a mission yesterday, Klaus-

"Where is he now?" Pogo asked before they could finish the sentence.

Y/n sighed and stopped writing. In the van.

Pogo frowned, "What van?"

Y/n's eyes widened.

"Is everything alright?"

I was meant to meet him. What time is it?

Pogo checked his watch, "Roughly nine in the morning."

They sighed, I need to go. Also, Klaus is missing.

Pogo's face changed quickly, "What?"

In the attack last night.

"Do you know where?"

Y/n tried to scan their brain for where exactly he was. Motel. was all they could recall. They scrunched up their face and shook their head. Nowhere more specific than that. I need to go.

"I really think maybe we should just check that you're uninjured-"

Thank you, Pogo. See you later. Y/n gave a weak smile and summoned a rift, stepping quickly through it and appearing in the van. Five was not there.

Y/n swore internally, throwing themself out of the van and running not too far to the Meritech building. In the distance, Five. An explosion. Five was thrown back and Y/n frowned, twisting their hand to manipulate reality for a moment, allowing him a soft landing.

Y/n ran over again as Five simply stared in horror and confusion- unsure why he hadn't hit the ground as quick or as hard, and in disbelief and horror as the entire building exploded. They grabbed his arm and pulled him up, quickly dashing around to the nearest safe alleyway, letting him go and leaning against the wall to breathe.

He turned to them, very clearly irritated, "What is wrong with you? Did I not say 6am Sharp?"

Y/n looked away, at least relieved to be able to use BSL now, "Got attacked last night. Unconscious. Can't speak."

power lines / five hargreeves x gn!readerWhere stories live. Discover now