Roles (closed)

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(King and Queen idea from @Cindermist give them a follow!!)

King- The mate and/or leader of the clan

Queen- The mate and/or leader of the clan

Princess- The daughter of the king and queen, learning to lead the clan and become the Chard, then soon queen in case anything were to happen to their parent(s)

Prince- The son of the king and queen, learning to lead the clan and become the Chard, then soon king in case anything were to happen to their parent(s)

Chard- deputy, the eldest sibling (if they have another sibling and son/daughter of the king and queen) will be king/queen (when the previous king and/or queen grow old, retire or die) and the other sibling whom is younger will be the new Chard just so they can help with the clan/ step in if the king and/or queen die (if they don't have a sibling) the king and/or queen will appoint someone who they trust greatly in case something happens (if the queen has kits) The eldest kit when of age will become the next deputy, and learn to become king/queen then take that role and the circle continues

Healers- heal cats from wounds and sicknesses, there are two in case one dies, when both ready they will take two apprentices, one to each to teach them the ways of ShiningClan (StarClan)

Healers In Training (Healer Trainee/learner)- Learn how to heal cats from wounds and sicknesses, when they are ready they will get  their name and take the healers places, if they grow old, retire or die, then take on an apprentice of their own when they are ready

Gatherers- They are warriors who have trained in fighting, but are best with hunting, and gather the Clan's fresh kill and sometimes herbs for the Healers, but they are still able to protect themselves and there clan in case of an emergency usually have two apprentices

Protectors- They are warriors who have trained in hunting, but are best with fighting, they patrol their clan's territory fiercely, and guard their clan's camp at night, but they are still able to hunt in dire situations  usually have two apprentices

In Training (Trainee/learner)- They are apprentices, who get trained by two cats, one a Gatherer and one a protector so they can build up their skills and usually they have one skill that outshines the other

Den Mothers- Warriors that are expecting, or nursing kits, after three moons they will help around the camp, cleaning the camp and/or fixing dens, but they stay in the nursery until their kit(s) are at least 6 moons

Kits- Young kits who stay in their den until they are 5 moons then slowly learn their skills, then at 6 moons become an apprentice

The Retired- Senior warriors who have retired from their jobs, and are too old to gather, heal or protect

Dead cat clans:

Sky Of Never Ending Light (ShiningClan)- (Basically StarClan) This is where all the good cats find themselves, who have earned a place to rest happily.

The Trail Clan (VineClan)- This is a Clan that sits in between the two other clans, where cats stay here if they did some really awful things but had a good reason as to why they had to do it. Or sometimes cats will be here if ShiningClan and GloomingClan don't know where they belong.

The Place Of No Stars (GloomingClan)- (Basically the dark forest) This is where cats who have murdered many others, or taken over clans by force come to suffer, cats who haven't earned a place to rest. (1 cat in GloomingClan)

(If you really want one of your characters in one of the dead cat clans then you MUST make their backstory interesting, what role can/will they play in the story as a dead cat? And if I don't accept them as a dead clan cat they will be accepted as a living clan cat)

DewClan- A loyal clan who usually have a thin frame, sharp claws and an even sharper tongue 

King- (CLOSED)

Queen- (CLOSED)

Chard- (CLOSED)

Princess- (2-2) (CLOSED)

Prince- (2-2) (CLOSED)

Healers- (2-2) (CLOSED)

Healers in training- (1-2) (CLOSED)

Gatherers- (2-4) (CLOSED)

Protectors- (2-4) (CLOSED)

In training- (2-4) (CLOSED)

Den mothers- (1-3) (CLOSED)

Kits- (3-6) (CLOSED)

The retired- (0-2) (CLOSED)

RoseClan- A soft hearted clan who are skilled, and usually have long fur, but that doesn't mean they won't give you scars.

King- (CLOSED)

Queen- (CLOSED)

Chard- (CLOSED)

Princess- (2-2) (CLOSED)

Prince- (2-2) (CLOSED)

Healers- (2-2) (CLOSED)

Healers in training- (1-2) (CLOSED)

Gatherers- (4-4) (CLOSED)

Protectors- (2-4) (CLOSED)

In training- (2-4) (CLOSED)

Den mothers- (1-3) (CLOSED)

Kits- (1-6) (CLOSED)

The retired- (1-2) (CLOSED)


Cats not in the clans:

KittyWalkers- (1-4) (Kittypets) (CLOSED)

Outcasts- (1-5) (Loners/rouges) (CLOSED)

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