Chapter 7

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A solid creamy grey tom watched his climates from the corner of the camp, he usually hung near the healers den but he couldn't risk getting too close to Lilacpelt. It would be best to stay far away from her, to keep her safe. The toms eyes then landed on Eclipsefrond, he'd have to keep a close eye on her from now on. She knew his secret, and he couldn't let her ruin his plan until he got revenge on the cat who killed his poor sister, Aspenflower. The tom let a small smile appear on his face as he remembered what he told the molly that night.


"Y-you're a traitor!" Eclipsefeond growled at the tom.

"You're no better, you rat!" He hissed, backing the cat against a tree.

"I'll tell our clan what you're doing-" Eclipsefrond started.

"Ha, you won't do such a thing," The pale tom growled menacingly.

"What are you going to do, Nectarsnow? Kill me? You won't get away with that." The broad shouldered black cat mewed.

"You're right, that's why you won't tell so much as a fly what happened tonight, or I'll get rid of Pigeon, I know how close you are with our apprentice, I will admit I hoped he would become a great protector, but Ash was always my favorite apprentice." Nectarsnow grinned evilly.

"You wouldn't dare!" Eclipsefrond accused.

"You wanna bet? We could be doing some hunting training, and poor Pigeon never came back, or he went crazy during battle training and I had to put him out of his misery." Nectarsnow grinned. He felt awful, he actually cared deeply about his first apprentice, he could care less about Ash, but he needed some leverage against Eclipsefrond so she wouldn't rat him out to the king and queen.

"Fine! Ok! Okay...Just don't hurt him, he has so much potential...just leave him alone," Eclipsefrond sighed.


"Nectarsnow! Take Pigeon out to collect some herbs and a rabbit or two." Fleececrest the new chard called to the tom, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yes, of course, any specifics? Or the usual?" Nectarsnow grinned happily, his evil thoughts being forgotten. Fleececrest rolled his eyes with a smile present on his face,

"I don't know, the usual? Low on some deathberries though, don't know where they have gone, Crowfall and Lilacpelt didn't seem to know either."

The solid creamy grey tom, chuckled nervously but nodded and went up to a beige tabby tom with amber eyes and white spots randomly scattered on his pelt.

"Hey Pigeon, ready to see an amazing gatherer in action?" Nectarsnow beamed happily, he already had forgotten the cruel and harmful deeds he had done only a few nights ago.

"Of course! When I get old enough to do my assessment I want to become a gatherer just like you!" Pigeon smiled, bouncing up and down happily. Hearing that made Nectarsnow's smile falter for a split second,

"Now, now, I don't think you want to be just like me...ha! I'm sure you could be an even better protector! Who wants to be a gatherer anyway?! Blech!" Nectarsnow laughed awkwardly, there was no way he would let Pigeon go down the same path as he was going down. The sad thing was Pigeon also has a sister, Rose, they seem unbearably close, it would break Pigeon's heart if she died.

" said a gatherer's job is really important...were you lying when you said that...?" Pigeon looked up at his mentor with wide eyes, tail drooping.

"What!? Ha! No- I was just saying-" Nectarsnow sighed, smiling once more, "I was just poking fun, if you want to become a gatherer so bad, you'll have to work really hard, but you do need to listen to Eclipsefrond and study her skills as well." That made Pigeon brighten up,

"Okay! I promise I won't let you down! Oh! Also can Lilacpelt come with us? She's been watching us ever since you came up to me, she seems really nice! And she could help gather some herbs!" Pigeon smiled, his tail held up high once more.

"She- she was? Urmmm, sureeeee, you go get her I'll wait at the entrance of camp, be quick." Nectarsnow replied, hurrying off to the lush hidden entrance to DewClan camp, his fur bristling, why did Lilacpelt want to hang out with him? Even after she found out what he was doing.


"Nectarsnow?" The voice of Lilacpelt had asked the creamy grey tom cat, "what are you doing? Was that a RoseClan cat?!"

"Uhhh, I know this looks bad, but that RoseClan cat is trying to help me! I'll get to avenge Aspenflower! But I do need your help getting some things first..." Lilacpelt had agreed to help, even though she voiced her disagreement with what Nectarsnow was doing. The gatherer felt so guilty for bringing the healer into this, he didn't want her to get hurt, he didn't want any of his clanmates to get hurt, but he needed help, he couldn't do this all by himself.


"Nectarsnow? Hellooooo? You home?" The voice of Pigeon made him snap out of his thoughts.

"Hmmm? What I miss?" Nectarsnow joked, playing off his rising nerves casually.

"You were going to go, and get some herbs and prey for the clan," The voice of Lilacpelt made Nectarsnow jump, he didn't expect the healer to agree with his apprentice to join the group.

"Oh! H-hey Lilac..." Nectarsnow grinned nervously, "uh yes! Let's get that done before sun down!" He explained, seeing as it was already sun high. Nectarsnow hurried ahead of the small group, his fur on end in the presence of the healer. While Nectarsnow stalked a mouse he heard Lilacpelt and Pigeon talking about how to harvest some yarrow. He tuned out the conversation to focus on the mouse. He pounced up and caught the mouse with ease.

"Good catch, though Pepper would just barely become full with that, you might want to catch something bigger, or catch more in quantity." Lilacpelt smiled softly, laughing softly as Pigeon padded towards the two with his tail and head held high, trying to see over the vast extent of herbs he was carrying in his mouth.

"Yeah, I guess Pigeon learned how to gather some herbs?" Nectarsnow asked, dropping the mouse.

"Yep, he did learn something, most of those herbs were collecting by him, he did a good job, maybe too good, hopefully they don't go bad before we use them." Lilacpelt smiled.

"Good, you can go back and show him where to put them, bring this mouse as well, I'll be back a bit later than hoped." Nectarsnow sighed, knowing tonight would be another late night, he would hunt enough food for his clan members then see if there was any left for himself.

"Alright, don't be sucking up to any mysterious cats, I'll talk to you tomorrow." Lilacpelt joked, before picking up the mouse and padding gracefully back to camp with Pigeon following behind her tripping over his paws. The creamy grey tom chuckled to himself, before turning around to get back to hunting, only to find that he was no longer in the forest, but a starry moor.

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