Chapter 8

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A light grey tom watched as the sky became brighter and brighter, he had noticed a while ago that the stars weren't visible anymore. Was it a sign that the clan of Shining had really left them? Would they ever come back?

"What are you doing up so early, Troutspots?" The defender looked behind him only to see his good friend.

"Soulfire, I could be asking you the same question." Troutspots smirked jokingly.

"I've been thinking about Moonheart, she's been avoiding me lately, ever since Sharpsky had died, weird isn't it?" Soulfire sighed, smiling to his best friend since they were tenderfoot.

"That is odd, I will say, though I don't know much about your relationship with her, I just only became a defender a moon ago." Troutspots laughed, then watched a small dark figure that walked out of the tenderfoot den then hid in the shadows as the sun rose above the horizon. A light grey she scampered out of the den mothers den and went up to the dark colored molly who hid in the shadows.

"Have you noticed how similar Sleet looks to Sharpsky?" Troutspots asked his friend.

"Yeah.. Moonheart has also spent lots of time with her, do you think..." Soulfire asked, the devastation present in his voice and expression.

"It could be possible, but why wouldn't she keep him as a mate? And why keep it hidden?" The grey tom asked.

" True, I'll need to ask her..." Soulfire sighed, "you should check in with Silent, she's taking the disappearance of her sister pretty harshly, it doesn't help that Beecloud told her that her sister might die." Soulfire sighed, "she's a great healer but doesn't know when to stop talking."

"Yeah she doesn't look so good, her fur looks knotted," Troutspots sighed.

"What are you two talking about?" The voice of Moonheart asked the two friends.

"That's my cue to leave," The grey defender nodded to his friend, narrowing his eyes as the sun rose even more, and headed towards the dark grey she, known as Silent.

"Hey Silent, feeling any better?" Troutspots asked his apprentice. She looked up at him, giving him the most heartbreaking look ever, though she didn't say a word, "heh...I'll take that as a no..."

"I miss her..." The small apprentice squeaked out, her voice barely higher than a whisper.

"Oh Silent...I assure you that the whole clan misses your sister, it's not just you," Troutspots tried to comfort her.

"Yeah but...I feel like she's the only one who understands me, she's always there for me and I'm always there for her, and now I feel like a part of me is missing..." Silent murmured quietly.

"Silent...I'm always there for you, you just don't notice, I always try my best to understand you, but I don't know how to." Troutspots chuckled nervously. He then saw his sister come out of the den and panicked though he didn't say anything.

"But you don't seem like you care about anything other than training me so you can get rid of me..." The darkly colored apprentice explained.

"I don't want to get rid of you, Silent! You accuse me of not listening to you, and not paying attention and not caring, but I do Silent! I listen intently to every word you say, I watch every action you make and I care much about you, I just like to keep it to myself. I want to train you quickly so we can hang out more often later on..." Troutspots sighed, "But forget I said that, you're going to train with Maplespots." He could hear Silent trying to say something but ended up just watching the defender leave to go back to his friend who seemed to be having some problems with Moonheart.

"And you didn't think to tell me?! Why didn't you just stay with him? You know what, leave me alone, don't talk to me unless you have something good to say." Soulfire hissed at his mate, Troutspots watched the heartbreak in both cats eyes, but Moonheart did what Soulfire did and left him alone only to be occupied by his friend.

"Well, that went well...." Troutspots sighed.

"Tell me about it, doesn't seem like you had much luck with Silent either." Soulfire nodded, tearing his eyes away from Moonheart to look at his friend.

"She keeps accusing me of not caring about her and her training." Troutspots hissed rolling his eyes.

"Ouch, Moonheart is just being confusing, apparently Sleet was a mistake from when she was younger? I don't know, mollies confuse the life out of me."

"Same here, I don't know why I bother..." Troutspots shook his head.

"Autumn, Winter, Shrew! Get back here!" The voice of Blazingpelt called to his kits. A ginger she hid behind Soul while a white and brown Tom hid in Soulfire's fluffy tail.

"Sorry about them, Dawnflight gave the flockings a squirrel, and now they're...well, this." Blazingpelt sighed, smiling, "can you two help me get them back to their mother?" the sovereign asked.

"Yeah, of course, anything for a good friend." Soulfire agreed while Troutspots nodded. Blazingpelt grabbed the ginger she-kit that hid behind Troutspots, while Soulfire took the white tom, and Troutspots picked up the brown tom. As the toms dropped the kits by their mother, Autumn bolted for the entrance of camp.

"Get that flocking!" Blazingpelt called, chasing after his daughter while Troutspots and Soulfire followed on his tail. The small group of toms chased relentlessly after the small kit, that's when the kit stopped near a pile of white fur, it looked like it was dead, blood dotted the fur every so often.

"Is it a rabbit?" Soulfire asked.

"Too big to be a rabbit..." Troutspots murmured.

"It must be dead, or at least close to it." Blazingpelt muttered, padding up to his kit only to freeze once he got a good look at the pile of fur, "you too! Get over here! It's a cat! She's still breathing! Get her to camp! I'll get the menders!" Blazingpelt called to the duo, grabbing Autumn's scruff and bolting in the direction of the EchoClan camp. Troutspots padded towards the body seeing the pile of fur wasn't all white, the pelt had very light grey stripes, and the blood that he had thought dotted the mollies fur was actually dark blood red flower petals. Though she was actually bleeding quite badly. As Soulfire came into the body to help Troutspots to bring the cat back to camp, Molly opened her eyes, revealing a bright blue.

"What's your name?" Soulfire asked quickly. The she opened her mouth yet her words came out in a raspy whisper,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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