Chapter 1

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"Good morning Amethystthorn! Have a good sleep in your dark corner of the nursery?" A tom beamed, dropping a plump rabbit in front of the den mother known as Amethystthorn.

"You know I haven't had a good sleep in a moon, Snow." The den mother sighed, nudging the rabbit with her nose, "why don't you give this to the others, they need the nutrition more than I do."

"Maybe, but they're not expecting kits any day now." Snow smiled, his clouded eyes looking at the den mother as if he could actually see her.

"I'm still sitting in here doing nothing! Even if I could do something this would be a waste of food." The den mother objected.

"Amethystthorn." The healer in training said sternly, "You're going to eat this rabbit if you like it or not...if you'd like to..." Snow ended off weakly.

"Will you leave me alone if I eat it?" Amethystthorn growled.

"Well...yes but no, I need to take you out for a walk today!" Snow smiled brightly, "Then when we come back I'll be leaving you to get my full healer name!"

"Good for you." Amethystthorn said dryly and sarcastically.

"Oh c'mon I know you love me, all the molly's would kill to be in your position right now." Snow bragged jokingly.

"Don't remind me." Amethystthorn rolled her eyes with a sigh, digging into her rabbit, one bite at a time.

"Can't help but notice you haven't denied the fact that you're, oh so in love with me." Snow teased the younger den mother.

"Oh please, even if I denied that, you'd make something up to use my own words against me. Plus you're a healer, you aren't allowed to have a mate or kits unless the king, queen AND chard agree, which I highly doubt will happen. I'm also expecting my deceased mate's kits, so you'd have to wait a while until they were old enough to become trainees." Amethystthorn replied, finishing up her rabbit.

"Whoa..." Snow started, sounding astonished, "sounds like you've been thinking about me a lot." Snow teased, wiggling his eyebrows, then turning to face what he assumed was the exit to the nursery, "ready to begin our walk?" the healer in training asked.

"If it means you'll shut up and leave me alone after, sure." Amethystthorn replied sassily. Snow nodded, leading the way out of camp,

"Want us to stay away from the border?" He asked the den mother.

"I don't want anything to do with DewClan or the border." Amethystthorn replied dryly, the healer trainee knew that the den mother was thinking of her dearly departed mate, he couldn't find out how to make the den mother happy once more. It was Snow's goal to make everyone in his clan happy, never to even feel a thought of sadness, yet Amethystthorn hasn't felt an ounce of joy since her mate passed. No matter how hard he had tried she always seemed to be sad, sitting in the nursery in her dark and stuffy corner while just outside the den life was thriving, their hasn't been a storm in days, but the clan still needed Amethystthorn's kits to survive for the clan to keep moving forward. The whole of the clan worried for Amethystthorn and her unborn kit's safety. Thus why he and a selected few others who were once so close to Amethystthorn are to keep an eye out for her. As the pair walked in a small circle around their camp Snow could feel Amethystthorn's fur bristle, her paws shuffled, one in front of the other, she seemed scared. He wasn't sure of what, maybe of being a bad mother to her kits, or worried about taking care of her kits, he wouldn't know where to start.

"What am I to do..." He heard Amethystthorn breath under her breath, she seemed better than usual today, maybe she was finally getting better. Snow led the den mother back into camp then left to go into the healer's den hoping she would make conversation, which he highly doubted. It seemed as though she just needed time to get over her mate's death.


Snow followed closely on Sleepingwillow's scent trail, he heard their paw steps a tail length away from him. When he heard them stop he padded up beside his mentor, he could hear the dipping of water a bit ahead of him and could almost see a faint glow though his clouded eyes.

"Here we are, the Starrycreek" Sleepingwillow yawned, "The water drips from the top of the cave roof to a crystal which the moonlight goes through, symbolizing the ShiningClan's presence, then the water trails down the crystal into a river surrounding the crystal, don't get too close to the cave walls there are other very colorful and sharp crystals, it could easily slice through flesh and have little trouble getting through bone." Sleepingwillow explained, sounding as though the cave intrigued their tired mind, "drink the water and the ShiningClan will give you your full healer's name." They explained, watching Snow carefully in case he were to fall into the deep yet glowing water. He laid down next to the flowing water and lapped at the chilling water closing his eye lids. At first he didn't think it worked, in defeat he stood up and mewed to his mentor,

"I must not have been accepted by the ShiningClan." He sighed, then opened his eyes, seeing wispy white glowing figures surrounding him, "I...I can see..." He gasped, pulling one paw up so he could see his own pelt color. He saw the dark ginger on his legs and tail, and saw the white on the rest of his body.

"If we could have your attention." A sweet voice called out to Snow.

"Oh, yeah sorry." He replied instantly, apologizing. A dark grey tom stepped out of the sea of wispy glowing cats, as he spoke Snow could tell that he was Stormcloud, his former mentor.

"As I have passed on to the ShiningClan I will lead the ceremony. I, StormCloud, loyal healer of RoseClan, ask my fellow clanmates of ShiningClan to look at my apprentice in life. I have taught him hard and well. In death I watched as he still tried to understand the ways of our code and trained hard to become a healer Roseclan can depend on. With your acceptance Snow may serve his clan for many moons to come." StormCloud then took a small step back and let a sleek brown she with white spots step forward to continue the young healers ceremony.

"I Fawnspots, accept you Snow as a full healer of RoseClan, your full name will now be Snowspark, ShiningClan has recognized your willingness to make sure your clanmates only feel joy and happiness and not sadness, may you serve RoseClan for many years, and perform the same ceremony you are witnessing on this fateful day." The molly called out, the wispy ShiningClan cats cheered, then blew away in a small gust of wind. Fawnspots and Stormcloud were the only ones who stayed.

"A raven will shed its feathers, blood lays in its path, the newly born kits of RoseClan as well as the rest of your clan is in danger, we don't know much but keep those you care about close and safe." Fawnspots told me softly, her figure turning into dust and blowing away while Stormcloud looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"Amethystthorn is a loyal protector of RoseClan, you've done so much to help her, but soon you might have to choose between your friendship with her or your clan's safety." Stormcloud sighed, "But other than that, I'm proud of you Snowy, you've made a dead cat very happy, goodbye Snow I'll see you again soon." And just like that the landscape blew away in the wind and I could no longer see,

"Good news, Duskleaf told me that Amethystthorn's kits are being born! Valley is taking care of it, but we should hurry." Sleepingwillow told Snowspark, "you can tell me your full name on the way there, let's go!"

(This took me way too long TwT)

*1351 words*

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