Main characters (and others)

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MAIN antagonists: Ravenshade, Nectarsnow and Nightfrost

BACKGROUND antagonists: Mistblossom, Magnoliathorn and Thistlefeather

SUPPORTING characters: Frostwing, Sombresight, Blackbird

MAIN protagonists: Eclipsefrond, Grassysky, Crescentsong, Snowspark

BACKGROUND protagonists: Slugyawn, AmethystThorn

BACKGROUND characters: The rest of cast

IMPORTANT PLOT characters: Wolfscar and Echoingsorrow

(Please dont be mad at me for ur wonderful character(s) not being a main character I promise that I'll try my best to at the LEAST mention ur characters a few times, but I just read through the backstories and did my best to try and get the characters the right places just from their backstories and personalities, and I wasn't bias whatsoever bc only 4 of my own characters passed the backstory check and only 2 made it to a semi-important/really important role (I might bring her out of the shadow depends if I make her story better or not) so like I was really kicking my butt with the amount of characters I made, like I made 11 and only 2 made it for roles that are somwhat important)

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