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I walked in the thick and dark forest as the wind howled, crying and shouting in my ears, like a warning almost. My dark black fur danced in the howling wind as I stalked through the dark forestry, then winds causing me no worry whatsoever, my dark blood red and grey streaks glowing in the little moonlight the landscape and canopy provided. My copper eyes scan the thick forestry searching for something, or better yet someone. If King Frost and Queen Sombre won't let me become queen then I will take that position by force, whatever the cost.

My eyes then quickly landed on a solid creamy grey tom with bright glowing amber eyes. It looked almost like he too was searching for something along the border as he sat on DewClan's side of the border looking in a small puddle at what I assumed was his reflection. I then smiled an evil and spine chilling smile, padding up to the border and the tom-cat with zero fear.

"Who are you?" The tom asked me with a growl in his voice, his fur bristling hostilely.

"Me? Oh well I'm Princess Ravenshade of RoseClan, the rightful heir to become queen of RoseClan. I'm here asking for your assistance, you seem like you have a brain at least." I let out a small chuckle.

"Ha. Ha." The tom growled sarcastically, his eyes narrowing at me.

"You seem like you are looking for something...What's your name?" I asked the tom.

"Nectarsnow, gatherer of DewClan." He spat, "Why'd you come to me for help? Don't you have clanmates sitting at your paws ready to do anything for their precious princess?" He'd snarl.

"That's none of your concern. Will you help me or not? I can give you what you seek in return." I answered.

"What I seek is vengeance, vengeance on a RoseClan cat for killing my sister." Nectarsnow hissed, "You promise me that and you've got yourself a deal."

"Perfect, an intelligent cat who watches his clanmates eagerly, I'll bring you the cat you seek, after I become the rightful queen of RoseClan, do we have a deal?" I grinned evilly, sitting down and placing my paw in front of him.

"Deal," Nectarsnow agreed after thinking for a moment, then placing his paw on mine, soon getting up, ready to get back to his clan and camp, "Tell me what your plan is for the next half moon, I'll meet you here." He mewed, flicking his creamy grey tail and turning around, tail and head held high, his sleek figure soon disappearing into the thick dark forest. I'd head back to my own camp as well wanting to get prepared for the mayhem that I was about to unleash on our small island.


"They're all soft!" The brown tabby tom hissed at me in the den.

"I know-" I started but was cut off by another.

"It's the middle of the night! The shiningpelt is high in the sky with the moon! We shouldn't need to be awake at this time!" cream-white older molly hissed.

"I assure you there's a-" I tried to explain before I was cut off once more by a grey marbled tabby she.

"Stop complaining and listen to Queen Ravenshade! She's been trying to speak but you and Nightfrost keep interrupting her!" She replied, unaware that she too had interrupted their leader.

"Shut it! You'll bring back all of GloomingClan with your racket!" I snapped, then regained my composure and sat up straight, "RoseClan has gone soft, it's our job to toughen them up, train your trainee's hard and well, the toughest of the storms will come soon, I can feel it. Just be patient and the time will come, while the clans escape we'll kill King Frostwing, Queen Sombresight and Crescentsong." I grinned.

"Got it, we'll kill them off while everyone is distracted then you'll take leadership, we all know Prince Pineshade won't step up he's too weak. You just need to whisper some insecurities into Princess Dawningstream's ear and she won't so much as raise a paw to become Queen." Nightfrost chuckled. I nodded, agreeing with what he said,

"Now go get some sleep, tomorrow the plan is put into action..."

(First chapter out, this was mostly just adding more detail from teaser #2 but just giving you small crumbs to start with <3333) 

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