Surprise!the Truth & A Reset

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And now,We cut to Show the Students and Teachers Of Union and Issei's Family listening to the Closing prayer for Issei's Funeral because Despite having been a Devil,he will Always be A Human.

Priest:"Heavenly Father, by your power Christ conquered death and ascended in glory. We entrust Issei Hyoudou into your arms, in the name of Jesus, our Lord. We thank you for making each one of us in your own image. We thank you now as we honor the memory of Issei Hyoudou, whom you gave to us, and have taken away. We commend him to your mercy and pray that you will show us the path of life, and the fullness of joy in your presence through all eternity. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen."

They all get up and Respectfully leave and let the Hyoudou parents know that their Sorry for their Loss as Everyone soon returns to union and Enters their dorm.

Kai:'even if we didn't Get along,I Can still say.....Goodbye,Issei,Your loved ones will miss you'


Kai Was Relaxing In His Dorm as after,the Funeral Of Issei...The Classes were Suspended for 1 week and he took it as an opportunity to Get stronger while relaxing his Mind.

Kai looked at himself in the Mirror as he stares at his reflection.

He remembers the first thing that happened to him here at Union or Technically,when he woke up

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He remembers the first thing that happened to him here at Union or Technically,when he woke up.

We begin In darkness as suddenly,everything was seen and it zoomed out to Reveal someone opening their eyes and sees themselves in a room.

The person notices he's in the Air and soon,realizes that this a hanging position to Commit Suicide.

He struggles as he Feels the Rope or whatever is slowly Cutting off his Air and Fears the Worst until due to him moving,he falls and Looks Around.

??:Where the hell am i?

He Saw a Mirror to which gave away his Appearance and Asked...

??:Is.....that Me?

He Looks around and saw a Book and Opened as it said the Following.

"hey,i'm not sure why i decided to even use this but this isn't anything and it's just my first entry in my journal,nothing special"

??:Well at least,they Don't call it a diary.

The person decided to skip a few pages and read some later installments in it and saw something Surprising.

Who am I?Who i Was?Rather,Who I'll be!Where stories live. Discover now