Part 1

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** Sofia is talking to herself and she is telling God all these things which happened to her **

Why me only ?? "Why am I the only one who has to suffer ??" Why am I the only one who has to deal with everything ?? Why am I the only one who is dying with pain inside my heart every day ?? And I am the one who still has to pretend to smile. Or pretend to be tired so that no one notices my pain behind my smile.

I always have to pretend that everything is fine and nothing has happened. But only me and my god knows how many problems I have faced in my life. But why then also my problems , My suffering doesn't end ?? Will it ever end ?? Or will I have to end myself to end all this ??

Why then also I am blamed for something which I never did ?? Why then also I have to listen to all the nonsense my parents are saying about me ?? I told them by mistake but I thought they would understand me but they didn't. Instead they started doubting me and saying all rubbish things about me. Why , God why ??

Why does this happen to me ?? Why do I have to put on a fake smile and pretend that their words are not hurting me ?? As if their words are not a knife which is stabbing me.Why then also they are punishing me for something which I never did ?? It wasn't my fault but they are blaming me for something which wasn't even my mistake.

Why then also I have to be pin pointed for it ?? Why then also I have to listen to all the bullshits ?? Why can't they understand me ?? Is there no one who can understand me ?? Why can't they understand that I am already facing a lot and what they are doing is hurting me ??

I have enough things to hurt me. They can try to make me feel at ease but instead of that they are blaming me and saying it was my mistake and I am the only one who is wrong. Why can't they see that their words are torturing me. So many things have happened to me and it's already killing me inside. I don't feel alive anymore. I just feel the need to live but I don't want to live anymore.

When will this all end ?? Will it end or will it never end ?? Or was it really my mistake ?? Am I the one who has to be blamed for all this happening to me ??

I just don't know what to do. No one is there to help me. No one is there to support me. I have no one to whom I can share my problems with. One day it got by mistakenly slipped from my mouth to my parents and instead of supporting me. They blamed me for what happened to me because I didn't say it to them before. That's the reason I didn't want to say it to them and that's what happened. My worst fear came true. I didn't know what to say anymore. It was a total nightmare for me.

I just kept crying in front of my parents and kept on saying that it's not true. I didn't do anything. It's not my fault. Just because I didn't say to them. They thought it was my fault. That's why I didn't want to say but I was scared of what they would do and how they would react , when they would get to know about it.

But they didn't understand that. I don't know what they think about this but only my god knows how stressed I was and I still am and how much I cried because of this and how scared I was and it's not my mistake. I know it is not. I know it isn't my mistake.


Hey guys!! So first of all I would like to thank you all for giving me your time and for reading my story and I know you guys have so many questions about what Sofia was talking about...What happened with her...Why was she saying that her parents didn't understand her....What exactly happened with her and many more questions....But you will get to know soon in the next part what Sofia was talking about...And I want you guys to guess what happened with her...It will be interesting to know what you guys are thinking about what happened with her....And for now bye guys


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