Chapter Two

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September 1st, Kings crossing

The Black family arrives at the 9 ¾ platform with around ten minutes to spare. Walburga and Athania had not spoken one word to each other since the Malfoy's ball in July and neither truly minded.

Athania set her and her brother's trunks onto the large pile that was being loaded into the train by the baggage goblins before turning back to her family and hugging her father goodbye, simply giving her mother a nod goodbye.

"Come on, we have to board now," she tells her brothers as she takes Reggie's hand.

"Athania, keep your brothers out of trouble. And I expect you to take this year to acquaint yourself with Mr. Malfoy," the first words her mother has said to her since she struck her with a torture curse.

Athania was so mad at her mother that she silently decided not to respond at the risk that she would spout off at her. She simply took her brothers and loaded the train, Sirius splitting off to go join Potter and Lupin.

"Can I please sit with you?" Regulus begs, having always been shy.

"I'm sorry Reg, I've got to sit in the prefects' carriage," she breaks the news to him. "Im sure there will be plenty of boys you can make friends within the first year's carriage," she explains as she walks him to the back of the train.

Regulus grudgingly sighs as he takes his seat in one of the compartments.

"Hey, I promise I'll save you a seat at the Slytherin table," Athania promises, making him crack a small smile before she walks back to the front.

She searched several carriages before she finds the one labeled 'Slytherin Heads'. She excitedly opens the door, only to have her smile fade when she comes to find none other than Malfoy sitting before her. 

"You're head girl?" he irritably asks. 

"How the hell did you become head boy?" she asks, incredibly frustrated. 

"Hmm. Your use of language is charming Ms Black. Truly charming," he says ever so egotistical before going back to his book.

She takes her chances and has a seat in front of Lucius, crossing her legs and looking out the small window as the train pulls from the rainy station.
The two ride in silence for about an hour as Lucius ignores her and Athania tries to find the right words to say to him.

"I don't get you," she finally admits. 

"There's nothing to get, Athania. Stop trying," he drolly states, his eyes unwavering from his book.

"What changed in you? You were almost charming at the ball and now what?" she asks. 

"Yes, enlighten me, Ms. Black. Now what?" he flips her question.

"You acted as if you were interested in me at the ball, then we found out about the marriage and you haven't said a kind word since," she explains his behavior.

"I charm a lot of women, Athania. Don't feel special," he continues to give her bland answers as he reads.

"Hey!" Athania snaps, pulling the book from his hands. "It wouldn't kill you to give a real answer instead of writing me off!" she says as he shoots up, snatching the novel back from Athania.

"You want a real answer? That charm you're talking about was before I knew who you were," he says, finally looking her in the eye. "The masks are off now Athania. It's time you grow up and realize that this is not a fairytale, but a jail sentence," he snaps back in return before laying back down and going back to his book.

She didn't want to admit that her feelings were genuinely hurt. Instead, she turned her attention back to the window, slipping into a light sleep for the rest of the ride.

When they arrived at the school in time for dinner, Athania sat at the Slytherin table adjacent to Lucius in their head chairs. In addition to him, on her left was her long-term, closest friend, Ophelia Fawley.

Athania watched the sorting ceremony attentively before looking over to find that Sirius was doing the same. Despite his attempts to play the 'cool older brother' personality, she knew that he loved that kid to death.

"Regulus Black," Mcgonagall calls, causing both of their heads to shoot up, looking at their brother taking a seat on the stool they had both previously sat. 

"Hmmm. very interesting," the sorting hat goes through its usual montage.

"Your brother?" Lucius asks, surprising Athania with the first words he had spoken to her since the train accosting. "Yes," she dryly responded.

"Wise and brave. Likes to play things to his advantage..." The hat draws the sorting out as Athania white knuckles the table. "Must be... SLYTHERIN!" the hat yells as the entire table claps in joy.

Athania looks over to find Sirius playfully pointing to the back of his throat like he was gonna puke. She quickly flips him off before looking down the table to find Regulus running to some of his friends. She smiles and lets out a sigh of relief, her big sister heart happy knowing that he finally has friends.

After a few more kids, Dumbledore starts the feast and they all dig in.

"Isn't it wonderful? Reggie's a Slytherin," Ophelia says with a clap as Athania takes a sip from her water goblet. 

"Yes. I'm sure my mother will be over the moon when I write to tell her," Athania speaks.

"Since when have you cared about your mother?" Ophelia chuckles as she takes a bite of turkey. 

"Oh, believe me, I don't. I've been in a silent standoff with her since July," Athania fills her in, noticing Lucius raise an eyebrow out of the corner of her eye.

"About what?" Ophelia asks with a small gasp. "Athania, she didn't use cruciatus again-"

"Ophelia," she cuts her off, noticing Lucius look at her with worry. "We'll talk in private...In my private dorm," she says, trying to vere the conversation into a more playful one. 

"Being a head must be so nice," Ophelia says, making Athania chuckle.

"I suppose it is," Athania responds as she takes her last bite, looking up to find that Lucius had gone back to talking with his friends.

Despite her attempts to ignore him, the question still lingered in the back of her mind. Why did he look worried?
That night after they had gotten everybody back to the common room, Athania opened the door to her private room, the sight of it bringing a smile to her face.
The dimly lit dorm had a beautiful glass opening so she could see the black lake, a queen-sized bed, a large desk where she could work, bookshelves with several of her favorite books, and a small fireplace.

She flopped down onto her bed and got comfy, not bothering to change clothes before falling asleep for the final time that night.

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