Chapter Six

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A week had passed since Bella's wedding and Lucius and Athania had not spoken a single word. He wouldn't give her the time of day to ask about his abrupt exit and after a few days, she had stopped trying.

Athania set down her quill on her notes and looked up at the grandfather clock to find that it was 7:30 A.M. She didn't realize that she had stayed up all night studying.

She rose from her desk chair and washed her face in the small lavatory that was in her room. She proceeds to sigh as she looks at herself in the mirror; having looked tired and worn down. Like usual on nights like these, she pulled her hair into a bun and put on makeup, covering the dark circles that accented her tired eyes.

She sleepily pulled on her uniform and grabbed her school bag, stuffing the textbooks and miscellaneous papers into it, her mind unusually blank this morning. She then stuffed her wand into the pocket in her robe before leaving the room and heading to the common room.

"Athania, wait!" she heard her cousin call as she goes to open the door, turning to find Andromeda racing down the spiral staircase after her.

"What are you doing up so early?" she asks.

"Couldn't sleep, so I figured I'd go to the great hall and get a bit of studying in before the potions test today," she lies about her sleep as they walk through the dungeons.

"I was going to do the same," she says with a chuckle.
"Are you going to the quidditch game tonight?" Andy continued to question.

"I guess. I have nothing better to do and Regulus is excited to see his first one," Athania admits.

"I'm sure he is. Quidditch was the most amazing thing to me when we started school," Andromeda smiled at the memory

"Is Ted going to come with you?" Athania asks about her hufflepuff boyfriend.

"Yes. We've been taking our chances in crowds," she says.

"That's great, Drom. You two should sit with us," Athania tells her, feeling detached from their conversation.

"I was planning to," she says as the two girls turn into the Great Hall.


The school day had gone by rather quickly which Athania was thankful for. She was done with this week and had planned to sit in her dorm all weekend, reading to relax for once.

Before the game, she went back to her dorm to drop her bags and change into something a little more comfortable.

She pulled on a pair of black jeans, a green, cable knit sweater, kept the ankle boots and pulled her dark brown hair into a ponytail, topping it with the emerald headband her father gifted her for her 15th birthday. She slid her robe over the outfit for extra warmth before leaving her room to find that Regulus was already at her door.

"Are you ready to see your first Hogwarts quidditch game?" Athania paints a happy face for her brother.

"Yes. I still can't believe they wouldn't let first years on a team though," he pouts.

"Well I'm sure you'll be perfectly ready next year. You've been sneaking around on Sirius's nimbus since he got it," Athania says with a chuckle as they head out of the dungeons and outside.

The Sibling pair quickly meets with Ophelia as they enter the arena, the three taking a seat with Andromeda and Ted.

"Took you long enough to get here. They're just about to start," Andromeda chuckles as she holds Ted's hand.

"I had to go change. It was cold and the school uniform was not enough," Athania explains.

"Oh, I understand, I'm freezing," she commiserates her cousin. "Ted, this is my cousin Athania. The one that let us stay in her room at the party," Andy introduces them as Athania truly got to see the full scope of her boyfriend.

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