Chapter Three

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Athania woke up the next morning to find that it was 7:30. 

Perfect, given that her first class was at 8:15.

She stepped out of bed and to her wardrobe to pull out her uniform pieces, sliding on a pair of fitted black pants, and tucking the buttoned white shirt in. Afterward, she proceeded to tie the tie around her collar, zipped up her heeled ankle boots, and pulled the Slytherin robe over it all.

After getting dressed, she moved to her vanity, taking a seat and pulling her dark hair into a loose, French braid. She stands up to tuck her wand into the robe pocket before heading out the door.

In a rush, she runs into someone as she exits her room, quickly realizing by the mass of blonde hair, that it was her betrothed.

"Walk much?" he rudely remarks as he continues walking, turning down the hall with Crabbe and Goyle. 

"Asshole," she murmurs before brushing it off and heading for the common room.

Stepping off the last stair of the spiral staircase to the common room, Athania quickly finds Regulus as he runs up to her, a smile ridden across his face.

"Athania. I made so many friends and they're all in my dorm!" He says so excitedly that it made her forget all about her interaction with Lucius. 

"That's fantastic Reggie," Athania smiles.

"We've all got history of magic together.... Do you know where that is?" he pauses before asking his sister for directions, making her laugh. 

"That's alright, I pass right by there on my way to potions. I'll show you if i can just find Ophe-"

"Athania! Don't leave!" Ophelia races down the stairs, still tying her tie. 

"You had thirty minutes to get ready," Athania said with a chuckle, feeling like she had to parent not only her brothers but her best friend as well.

"And I took those thirty minutes to sleep. I'm ready now," she says as she pulls her blonde hair into a low ponytail.


After the two girls showed Regulus and his friends to the History Of Magic classroom, they made their way to potions. Ophelia quickly took the seat next to Gilderoy Lockhart, ditching her best friend for the boy she fancied. Athania pretends to be hurt before chuckling and taking a seat next to her cousin, Andromeda.

"I didn't know you were in advanced potions," Andy whispered to Athania. 

"I have to take it to qualify for auror training," she whispered back. 

"Oh please, Uncle Orion's the best auror in the ministry. They'd practically hand his own blood an auror spot," she says, making her cousin smile.

"By the way, I heard about what your parents set up. I'm so sorry," she says, the two falling into deep conversation before their class. 

"Don't pity me," Athania tells her cousin. "We'll stay married in the public eye but I'm sure he'll be off with his mistresses in no time and I'll be off traveling for work," she explains.

"I wish I had your spirit," Andy says with a smile before Slughorn walks in.

"If you will all flip your books to page 543. Today we will be working on Felix Felicis Anybody know what this particular potion is?" he asks the class with no introduction for the seventh-year students.

"Felix Felicis is a potion that gives the taker luck. Whether that's in a quidditch tournament or asking out their crush, the potion boosts your confidence and your chances," Athania announces to the dead silent room.

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