Chapter Five

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Friday Morning

Athania believed her screaming match with Malfoy on Monday had worked because he had backed off of her and like she promised, she had backed off of him.

She woke up that chilly November morning and began getting ready for the day. Like normal, she laid out on her uniform and the ankle boots that she paired it with everyday.

She used a bit more makeup than usual to cover the dark circles that had appeared from studying late into the night. Then, she pulled her hair into a white claw clip, pulling two pieces from the front.

She opens her door to find Andromeda with her hand up as if she was about to knock.

"Well good morning," Athania says with a chuckle.

"Good morning. Do you have your dress for Bella's wedding tomorrow?" Andy asks as she enters Athania's room.

"Yeah. Do you wanna see it?" Athania asks.

"Yes," she says as her cousin opened her closet doors and pulled out the black, floor-length dress.

"What is that?" Andy asks.

"Um, my dress," Athania answers, confused by the anxious look on her face.

"It's a black tie event and mine's red and flowy. I think mother sent me the wrong one," Andromeda rambles. "I'm not good with transfiguration so I can't change it and i'll look like an idiot-"

"Drom. Andy. Andromeda!" It takes three versions of her name for Athania to stop her rambling. "Slow down. I can transfigure your dress for you. It will be fine," she reassures her cousin as she lets out a sigh of relief.

"You're a lifesaver," she tells Athania as she grabs her bag and the two leave her dorm.

"Is Lucius escorting you for tomorrow?" Andromeda asks as they walk through the second floor corridors towards charms.

"I hope not. We're not exactly on speaking terms at the moment," Athania truthfully told her.

"That's unfortunate. Mother arranged for Malfoy's younger brother to be my escort. I just hope she doesn't get any bright ideas," Andy says with an eye roll.

"How old is Octavius?" Athania asks, having never met her future brother in law.

"16, he's in the sixth year but mother still stuck me with him," Andy tells her.

"Well, you're off to a better start than Sirius. He must escort Narcissa after aunt Druella and mother decided on their engagement," Athania told her as they headed up a side staircase.

"That's just terrible. Narcissa's crushed. How's Sirius doing?" she asks.

"Not good, given that our own mother won't accept who he is. I have half a mind to tell him to bring Lupin, just to see mother faint," they laugh as they turn into the charms classroom.
Later that night, Ophelia and Athania had gotten permission to be out after hours to do homework in the astronomy tower. However, their homework sat on the floor as the girls procrastinated, laying down, watching the stars and talking.

"Wait, you're telling me this wedding is an all day affair?" Ophelia asks as Athania connected the stars with her finger.

"Pretty much. Bella wanted her last day as a Black to last," Athania says.

"I would saw my head off if I had to deal with Malfoy for that long," she says with a chuckle.

"He hasn't said anything about it so I assume... Well, I hope that he doesn't have to escort me," Athania says. "Are you coming? The lestranges invited all 28 pureblood families," she changed the subject.

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