2. Chapter Two.

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Dimitri's Pov


As the door to my bedroom swung open, my heart pounded in my chest, anticipating the unknown that awaited me inside. The sight that unfolded before my eyes sent a jolt of shock through every fiber of my being.

There, in the midst of my personal haven, lay Rena, my lifeline, her body stained with blood, her hand clutching desperately at her wounded side. Next to her, Sofia appeared motionless, the gravity of her multiple stab wounds etched across her lifeless form.

The room erupted in a flurry of frantic voices and urgent pleas. My mother's anguished cry pierced through the chaos, demanding immediate action. "Oh my god, get the doctor right away!" Her words echoed in the air, a testament to the fear that gripped us all. The sharp gasps from my brothers reverberated, a symphony of disbelief and alarm.

Without a second thought, adrenaline surged through my veins, propelling me towards Rena's side. I cradled her in my arms, acutely aware of the warmth of her blood seeping through my shirt.

Instinctively, I applied pressure to her wound, a feeble attempt to staunch the flow and preserve her fragile existence. In that desperate moment, I gently brushed her cheeks, my touch a tender plea for her to hold on, to defy the encroaching grasp of death.

Whispering words of comfort and reassurance, I repeated my promises in a hushed tone, as if my voice alone could conjure miracles. "I'm here, my precious baby girl. Stay with me. I won't let you go. You'll be okay, I promise." Each word was laden with a love that knew no bounds, a love forged through shared joys and sorrows, woven into the very fabric of our lives.

Urgency fueled my steps as I hurriedly carried Rena to her meticulously prepared maternity room. This sacred space, purposefully equipped with the necessary tools and provisions for childbirth and potential emergencies, became our sanctuary in this critical moment.

It was a room where the miracle of life was meant to unfold, where our baby's first breath would intertwine with the strength of Rena's survival. Gently laying her on the bed, I continued to apply pressure to her wound, acutely aware of the fragility of the situation.

Immediately, I was gently ushered outside by the compassionate hands of the doctors and nurses who resided within the quarters, always ready to lend aid to those in need.

Though every fiber of my being resisted leaving Rena's side, deep down, I knew that I had to comply. The medical professionals understood the urgency of the situation better than anyone, and their expertise demanded my trust.

The weight of the situation pressed upon me, and I let out a heavy sigh as I glanced down at my blood-soaked hands.

Realizing the need for immediate action, I hastened to cleanse myself from Rena's blood, my urgency reflecting the gravity of the situation. I swiftly changed my clothes, hoping to shed the physical reminders of the harrowing scene I had just witnessed before quickly heading back.

As I glanced toward my family, their hesitant expressions mirrored the turmoil within my own mind. They knew better than to approach me in my current state, aware that I was grappling with a maelstrom of emotions. I could feel their concern, their unspoken prayers aligning with mine, as we all hoped for Rena's and our baby's recovery.

Time crawled by, stretching out into an agonizing two-hour span that felt like an eternity. Finally, the door swung open, granting entry to both good news and heart-wrenching revelations.

Rena and our baby had made it through the surgery, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that had shrouded us. However, the price we had paid was steep - Rena had lost blood and now lay in a coma, a devastating blow to my heart but thankfully our baby was ok.

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