18. Chapter Eighteen.

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Dimitri's Pov

In the presence of Rena, bathed in the soft and soothing glow of candlelight, I find myself utterly entranced by the beauty that graced her.

Her nine-month-pregnant belly, a powerful symbol of the life blossoming inside her, amplifies her natural radiance. To me, she represents a remarkable blend of resilience and grace, a sight that consistently fills me with wonder.

As I guide the forkful of dinner to her lips, a soft smile tugs at my mouth. The gratitude shining in her eyes is a reflection of the warmth that spreads within me. This dinner isn't just a meal-it's a carefully planned evening, an opportunity to show her just how much she means to me.

Every bite I feed her carries more than nourishment; it's an act of love, a tangible representation of the bond we share. I find myself drawn to the way her smile transforms her face, how the candlelight dances in her eyes, creating an almost magical aura around her. The rose petals scattered on the floor, a delicate pathway leading to her, mirror the journey we've taken together.

"Here you go," I say softly, my voice a mixture of affection and tenderness. The term of endearment slips from my lips effortlessly, a reflection of the depth of my emotions for her.

As she savors each bite, I'm transfixed by the movement of her lips, the delicate grace with which she carries herself, even with my growing belly. This evening isn't just about the dinner; it's about the connection we share, a chance to find solace and comfort in each other's presence.

The candlelight casts a soft glow on her features, and I'm struck by the profound beauty she exudes-the curve of her neck, the cascade of her hair, every detail is a work of art.

As our dinner progresses, the sense of connection between us becomes more notable, a subtle energy that envelops us. The flickering candles seem to create a world of our own, shutting out the noise and chaos beyond our intimate bubble.

My stolen glances at her become more frequent, the affection in my heart swelling. The meal becomes a symphony of flavors, a dance of emotions that mirrors our unspoken understanding. I'm struck by the way she mirrors my glances, her eyes holding mine with an intensity that leaves me breathless.

With the meal's end approaching, a intimate atmosphere envelops us-an unspoken tension that crackles between us, igniting my senses.

I can no longer deny the magnetic pull that draws me to her. Leaning in, I capture her lips in a kiss that conveys both tenderness and the smoldering desire that has been building.

Her lips are soft against mine, and every touch, every movement, speaks of our unspoken desires. As the kiss deepens, barriers seem to dissolve, leaving only the raw emotions that course through us. My fingers brush against her skin as I pull her closer, the world around us fading into insignificance.

In that moment, it's as though the universe narrows down to just us, two souls intertwined in a symphony of longing and love. The taste of her is intoxicating, a bittersweet melody that leaves me yearning for more.

With every breathless moment, every shared heartbeat, I find myself immersed in the connection that binds us, allowing our passion to ignite and take over in the tender sanctuary we've created.

As our lips part, the air between us seems to shimmer with a mixture of desire and an unspoken understanding. Rena's gaze meets mine, and I'm captivated by the fire that flickers within her eyes-a fire that matches the intensity of my own.

"Dimitri," her voice is a soft murmur, the echo of our kiss still lingering in the air, "everything you've done... this entire evening, it's been so incredibly thoughtful and beautiful."

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