13. Chapter Thirteen.

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Walking back into the room, freshly cleaned and now laid in the bed, I felt a mix of relief and exhaustion wash over me. The pain had subsided, and the doctor had assured me that both the baby and I were out of immediate danger.

As I settled onto the bed, I became aware of the faint rustle of voices just beyond the closed door. The doctor's instructions had been clear – everyone was to wait outside, giving me the space I needed to recover. The thought of Dimitri's family, gathered on the other side, waiting anxiously for news, brought a bittersweet warmth to my heart.

The room had been transformed in my absence, thanks to the maids who had taken it upon themselves to make it as comforting as possible for my return.

The sheets were pristine and newly changed, the soft scent of freshly laundered linens mingling with the air. It was a small yet meaningful gesture that did not go unnoticed.

The comfort extended to me as well. The exhaustion and the residue of the ordeal clung to me, a reminder of the events that had transpired.

Taking a shower had felt like washing away the physical and emotional weight of the day. Fresh clothes, clean and soft against my skin, served as a reminder of the simple joys that could still be found in the midst of chaos.

And then I saw him—Dimitri standing near the doorway, his expression a mixture of concern and something else I couldn't quite decipher. A part of me wanted to feel relieved, to see his familiar face after the ordeal I'd just been through, but another part of me was still resentful.

His absence this morning, the lack of a goodbye kiss that was so routine for us, it all stung more than I'd like to admit. The tension between us had been growing, and the events of the day had only added fuel to the fire. It was a peculiar mix of emotions that tugged at my heart, a clash of relief and lingering anger that left me torn.

As our eyes met, I couldn't muster up the enthusiasm I knew he was hoping for. I wanted to be in his arms, to feel his reassurance, but I was still grappling with the anger that had built up between us. I had put myself in danger, yes, but I had my reasons, and his distant behavior only added to the frustration.

He sighed, his shoulders slumping a little, and took a step closer. His gaze softened as he reached out to gently take my hand.

I looked away, my conflicted emotions making it difficult to meet his gaze.

His thumb brushed over my knuckles, a tender gesture that spoke of his understanding.

But right now, I couldn't find the words. The pain, the fear, the frustration—it was all too much. Closing my eyes, I turned my head away, unable to face him.

"How are you feeling, baby girl?" Dimitri's gravelly voice cut through the tension.

"Fine," I murmured, my gaze flickering to him briefly before settling on some distant point in the room. His presence was both a comfort and a source of discomfort, a reminder of the complex web of emotions that had entangled us.

The weight of his absence this morning hung in the air, a notable absence that contrasted with his typical routines. The familiar routine of his goodbye kiss, the reassuring touch before he left – all absent.

His dark eyes bore into mine, the lines of his face softened by an unspoken concern. "You scared me," he admitted, his voice a low rumble that held more emotion than he usually allowed to surface.

My lips parted, words on the tip of my tongue, but I held them back. What could I say? That I had acted recklessly out of desperation? That his distance had fueled the reasons for me being here now?

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