Hey guys!

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Hey guys, been a while, sorry for not updating the sequel for a while, I'm even gonna sugar coat it, I lost motivation for it a long time ago, and I just couldn't keep it going. 

That's not why I have brought you all here today though, no no no, I've been thinking of writing a new Maze Runner fanfic. 

I haven't been in the fandom, for around a year and slowly getting back into it, so I was thinking what better to help me get back into the fandom than to write a fanfiction for it! 

Currently, I won't be doing another Aris fanfic, because I feel like it would be too similar to this one if I do it now, so I was thinking of writing a fanfic for either Thomas or Minho for female oc and/or y/n's, and Newt for male oc and/or y/n's. If I do end up writing a fanfic for Newt, it won't be female oc or y/n because I feel like that would take away from his character, and I don't want that. I don't want to take away from his character, especially since having gay rep is so important. And I also think that we, as a fandom and community, we can do better with this sort of thing. I'm tired of seeing Newt x female ocs or y/ns, specifically since James Dashner himself said that Newt was gay. It's canon, and a lot of people on here are completely disregarding that and I find it gross. 

Anyways, back to the original topic, comment who you want me to write a fanfic for, and if you say Newt, I will not be having him be straight, or bi, or pan. He is gay, and he will be gay in all of my Maze Runner fanfics moving forward. 

Comment on this paragraph who you want me to write a fanfic about and I'll try and brainstorm ideas for that fanfic. Whichever character gets the most votes will be written about first. 

Also, if enough of you guys do still want me to write an Aris love story, I will try my best to write it as different from this as I can, but I do want to write a Thomas or Minho fanfic first. Maybe even Frypan or Brenda?

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