Part 1: Introduction

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 N was enjoying his day as he walked through the snow, before seeing Uzi by a cabin of some sort. N walked over to the cabin with caution before Uzi waved at N with enthusiasm.

"Hey N!" Uzi said with a cheery yet off putting tone. This made N kind of worried, but also is happy to see her. "How are you?"

"Uh, hey Uzi." N said with a bit of shyness in his tone, and slightly sharper breaths. "Weird. Normally you aren't like this, well, enthusiastic around me. Usually you're a bit more angsty."

"Huh. Just noticed that myself." Uzi said, "Anyway, I wanted to show you the place I just got. It's not much, but it's something!" N looked at the very weathered cabin with confusion.

"I mean, this place is nice and all, but what is the point of this cabin?"

Uzi looked to the side.

"Well i thought it would be a cool hangout-" Uzi said before being cut off by N as he walked into the cabin. "H-hey! Wait!-" N walked into the cabin before seeing a really nice interior and great furniture.

"WOW! This is nice! How did you afford all this?" N said with amazement. He looked around as he saw very modern looking furniture and appliances.

"We don't pay for anything around here.." Uzi said as if N would have known.

"Oh. Right. Whoopsies!" N said. Uzi chuckled a little as she walked up next to him.

"It's fine, but I'm glad you like it!" Uzi said weirdly but happy that N liked the design. Uzi tried to grab N's hand, but before she could, N started looking around and examining the area.

"I must say, there's a lot of natural material on the furniture. Is that real leather?" N said as he examined a rocking chair.

"Yeah. Yeah, it is," Uzi said with a bit of sadness in her voice. N didn't notice mainly due to his intrigue in the furniture. Uzi went into another room, and N finally noticed her disappearance after examining the couch.

"Uzi? Where'd you go?" N said with inquiry as he looked around. He noticed some stairs and went up them. He got to the top and saw many rooms, one had a do not enter sign and had locks all over it.

N started to check each room but no luck on finding Uzi. The only room left was the forbidden room. He knocked on the door. No answer. He

knocked again. Still no answer. He knocked one more time. No answer. "Huh. That's weird."

"N?" Uzi said as he stood in front of the door. N let out a scream before slapping Uzi in the face. "OW!"

"Oh my god, Uzi! I'm so sorry!" N said as he broke down in grief. Uzi covered the part of her face that N slapped before going up next to N.

"Hey. It's okay," Uzi said as she hugged N. He felt a bit better and hugged Uzi back. He hugged Uzi tight. The two ended up falling asleep next to each other.

When N woke up, Uzi wasn't there. There was a note in his hand saying "I love you". N was confused, but figured it came from Uzi. There was one small issue. N liked V. N started to panic a little bit. He didn't know what to do, so he decided to try and find Uzi again.

"Uzi? Where are you?" N looked around until the lights flickered off. N tried to find a light switch, but before he could, the lights flickered on as he looked in horror. V was hanging from the ceiling fan, lifeless. N looked in horror. He looked around and saw "I love you" in oil, all being done very crudely on the walls. N looked around in horror. Suddenly, he got hit in the back of the head with a metal bar.

"Wake up, N~" Uzi said as N woke up. N looked at the room. It was some sort of dungeon looking room. Stone walls, and all. N was staring around the room in horror, and tried to get up out of the chair, but couldn't. "Sorry if i scared you~" Uzi giggles with a lovesick look on her face.

"Uzi, what's going on!?" N asked in horror. He wasn't sure of his current situation, but he knew it wasn't good.

"Isn't it obvious? I love you, but I get a bit," There was a small pause. "Jealous. when you're with someone else. So, I figured I could get your love by getting rid of the competition!" Uzi said with a smile that was cute, but also horrifying. She licked off some remaining oil on her face, and she giggled. "Now you're all mine~"

Uzi's Murderous Obsessions: Yandere Uzi x NOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant