Part 10: Conclusion

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1 week later...

N and Blade sat out on the rusted car after N promised to have it happen. They stared up at the moon, watching the snow land aside the car as the snowflakes melted as soon as they landed on N and Blade.

"So, Blade. Has anyone messed with you yet?" N asked Blade.

"No. Nobody really pays any mind. Especially since I started wearing male clothing again," Blade commented.

"I noticed that." N was calm about everything. He looked over to Blade. "You know, I kind of respect you now." N said warmly.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Blade looked over at N confused.

"I mean, look at you. You've evolved. You've changed, and I would say for the better. You've been through so much, and it kind of makes me respect you." N smiled warmly. Blade smiled while looking at N. He nodded.

"Yeah. I have. And now that Thad's gone, it's sort of evolved me. I once thought of him as this guy who was a coward, but now I respect his sacrifice. He saved you, he saved me. Unfortunately, he couldn't save himself." Blade teared up a little. "I just wish I could talk with him one more time."

"I'm sure that one of his other friends will follow in those footsteps. And hey! Who knows? Maybe Thad will come back. But that may just be wishful thinking." N sat looking sad, but smiling once again.

"Heard you and V are officially a thing." Blade commented.

"Ah. Yeah. It's been great. V and I just go so well with each other. It feels great to have the one you really love feel the same way." Blade looked away, in sadness. N noticed him looking over and realized why he turned away. "Still have feelings for me?"

"A little bit, but I have gotten over it. Besides, I wouldn't wanna ruin what you and V got going." Blade chuckled. N chuckled along him. N's alarm went off.

"Welp, gotta go now. Sun's rising soon. Be safe on your way back, Blade!" N said before running over to the landing pod.

"N, get over here! We still have so much love to give to each other!" V shouted to N.

"Don't worry, darling, I'm coming!" N said to V. N ran over to V, and gave her hugs and kisses. Blade sat up on the rusted car, and looked over at the two. He smiled as he rested his elbow on his knee, and rested his hand in his palm.

"I should get going, huh?" Don't wanna be late for my classes," Blade said to himself. He ran to the worker drone bunker, and went into his room. He looked at his fridge, and saw the note Thad gave to him. It was a photo of Thad and Blade smiling next to each other. The note read, "Friends to the moon and back, Thad." He smiled, and went off to class.

In the middle of one of the vastly dead forests, a small cabin lives. One that had a nice interior, but a deep dark secret. Under a floor built vault door, lives a large workshop. A place filled with abominations made of multiple drone pieces working on making more drones like them. Hawk walked to his personal workbench with a body bag. He set the body bag down on the workbench, and unzipped it, showing Thad's head poking out, with his iconic hat.

"Well, might as well use their own powers against them, huh?" Hawk said. He chuckled. "This will be quite fun, given everything goes to fruition." His chuckles went louder and louder. He started laughing maniacally as he unzipped the bag more and more, showing Thad's complete body. He stopped laughing, and pulled the bag away from Thad's corpse, and grabbed multimeters, wrenches, screwdrivers, and soldering irons to bring Thad back. He fired up the battery charger to proceed onward. He fixed all of the oil patches, and cleaned off all of the oil spillage from the circuitry. He filled Thad up with some oil, inserting it through his mouth. Thad woke up slowly.

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