Part 9: Finishing What Was Started

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Hawk looked over to the door. He heard the rampant knocking and battering of the door. He could only think of who is was. He opened the door, and saw N, who was clearly pissed. Hawk's eyes showed genuine fear. N stood at the door with his shoulders squared out, and his screen showing his murderous eyes, as he frowned angrily. Hawk quickly slammed the doors shut, and locked them both. N stared from outside. He punched the door with all of his force.

"Open up, Hawk!" N shouted. He punched the door again. "Don't make me break down the door!" He punched it over and over, the sound ringing in Hawk's ear. Blade looked in fear and confusion.

"What are you doing?!" Blade shouted at N.

"I'm finishing what he started! Now are you gonna side with me, or are you just gonna be an oil refill!?" N shouted at Blade. Blade looked at N with fear and concern. "I'm getting revenge for Uzi. For V. And I am not letting a worker drone get in my way. I am not making that mistake. Not like when Uzi was here. She would keep me calm, but she isn't here. Now no one can get in my way of getting my revenge." N punched the door harder and harder. Hawk looked at the door, it was cracking. "OPEN UP, HAWK! I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!" Hawk looked in fear. He changed his hands to swords. The banging got louder and louder. "ALRIGHT! I'M BLOWING THE DOOR WIDE OPEN!" The doors got launched towards Hawk as an explosion went off. He did a side flip, and landed perfectly, but didn't see N rush at him from the smoke of blowing the door up, and couldn't react to N flying, and sucker punching him in the face. Hawk was launched across the room, and dazed. N continued decking him in the face, denting his mouth and cracking his screen. He laughed when it happened.

"You know I can just repair myself, right?! No amount of beating will change that! I have a hidden army! You would have to take that down before I ever died, and even then, I was your pal. Why do you think you were led here?! We both have history! We used to share this place as our home!" Hawk said. N stopped punching him. He dropped Hawk. He still was angry.

"But the past doesn't matter anymore! That was the past! We have to look forward! Uzi taught me that, and she has good advice!" N shouted. He was clearly ready to continue beating down Hawk.

"You really should be saying 'was', N," Hawk corrected. N kicked him while he was down, and picked him up again. Hawk laughed as he got beat down. This made N boil. He threw Hawk to the middle of the room. Hawk stood up, shaking as he did so, but he chuckled. His body mangled back to his original state. thunder flashed over Hawk, showing Cyn in Hawk's shadow. N's eyes widened. This distracted N enough to give Hawk an opening. Hawk sucker punched N and picked him up, giving him the same treatment. Hawk laughed maniacally. He picked N up with his Solver powers, and slammed him into the ground. He cast his hand out, with a staff spawning in his hand. The staff spun, and it turned into a battle axe. this made N scared. He flew away, and changed his hands to rifles, shooting at Hawk, but they just reflected off of him. N was confused, and shot at him again. They still reflected. Hawk chuckled. "This is no ordinary staff. This is an extension of the Solver's abilities. I call it the Solver Staff. Currently the name is under development." N rushed at Hawk, with the sword hands. Hawk swung his battle axe, parrying and twisting N's arms. He groaned in pain from the feeling of loosing one of his arms. He retracted the sword and changed it to a chainsaw, seeing if he could cut the hilt. His other hand also changed to a chainsaw, and he swung them around frequently. The swinging would slowly turn into spinning. Hawk was scared at seeing how N just spun around with those chainsaws so quickly. N knocked Hawk across the room. N stopped spinning. He pointed one of his chainsaw hands at Hawk, and waved his arm towards him. 

"Bring it on," N ordered. He spoke with a cold tone, and it caught Hawk off for a bit, but he chuckled. 

"This is gonna be fun. A fight is what you want? Well, you'll get it for sure," Hawk said, "But I guess I should get a few familiar faces to do it for me." Hawk clapped his hands together. He flew up into the rafters. Uzi and V dropped from the rafters. They were dead, but then they weren't. Their bodies reanimated at their bodies mangled back into their normal poses. Uzi and V chuckled. N's eyes widened. Uzi and V slowly walked up to N, they both had an agenda to kill. Their wings spread out, and they lunged. N hid his eyes as he closed them. Then, he heard two knives whiz by. He opened his eyes, and saw that they were pinned to the wall. He looked behind him to see Blade standing there. 

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