Part 4: Planning

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Uzi went into her room, and locked the door. Her room was very much a purple spectacle with tons of neon lights, and a simple bed and desk setup. There was a clipboard buried in papers, as she went over to her computer, and looked at her plan list. She scrolled down the options, until she found something. A file. Curious, she clicks on it, and it opens up to an array of flashing colors go across the screen. Uzi stares into the flashes, before her head starts aching, and she lays down on her bed, trying to go through the pain. Uzi wakes up in her room in the bunker, confused, before screaming in pain again. Khan knocks on the door. 

"Uzi, you alright in there?" Khan asked in worry with no response. Khan knocked again, asking the same question. No response. Khan knocked one more time. No response. Khan sighed and started heading back, when Uzi burst through the door and ran out of the room on all fours heading for the cabin that she was once in last night. Khan moved out of the way, and yelled at Uzi. Thad saw Uzi, and got concerned, following closely behind her. 

V and N were sitting on the couch in the cabin that Uzi originally brought N to. V held onto N's bandaged arm. 

"How long do you think until it fully heals?" V was clearly concerned about N's well being.

"I'm sure that the regenerative stuff will kick in shortly!" N was enthusiastic, and correct. The bandage was easily removed, and N's arm was perfectly alright. He moved the arm, and put his hand on V's hand, holding it close. "Hey. V, can I ask you something?" 

"Yeah, what is it?" V asked N with a bit of sass. She wasn't sure what to expect of the question.

"Can you promise me to not hurt Uzi at all?" Once N asked that to V, she stopped in her tracks, and good a bit pissed, but tried not to let it out on N.

"Yeah.. I promise.." V was reluctant, but understood. N hugged V, leaving V in shock. V hugged N back slowly, felling his embrace, and calming down exponentially. Both of them felt warm in each other's arms, and fell asleep with each other on the couch. However, they were unaware of Uzi's inevitable arrival.

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