Part 6: Confrontation

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N and Thad opened the door, only to see nothing but a dark mansion. N and Thad were confused and scared, but N went in first, with Thad following behind him. The two found themselves in a giant corridor with tons of doors. This place started to make N remember everything. This was the mansion that he worked in for so long under the Elliot name. He started to panic, leaning against one of the doors, breathing heavily. 

"N? You good?" Thad went up next to N, and got him away from the walls, and sitting down with him.

"Thad, I can't do it. The memories are kicking in. I can't go on. I just want V back." N started tearing up.

"Hey, N. It'll be okay. We'll get through this." Thad comforted N as if he were a brother. This caused N to calm down, hugging Thad tight, and crying into his shoulder. "Hey. It's okay, buddy. Everything is gonna be okay. We'll find a way to get V back, alright?" N looked at Thad and nodded slowly. "Alright. Let's continue-" Suddenly, a loud roar to echo through out the whole mansion. "We should probably get going." 

"Agreed." They started rushing towards the sound, leading them to a giant ballroom floor. Then, N saw someone that was different. Someone new. Someone that took V away from him. 

"Hey there N~" The voice called out from the dark with blue glowing eyes. Then, out walked a male drone with brown hair and a maid outfit on. N was confused.

"Who are you? And how do you know who I am?" N was confused, but the drone just laughed, and the laughter got more and more crazy. 

"Who am I? Who am I?! I'm your true love! How could you not recognize me?" N was confused, and shook his head. Thad shoved N out of the way. And walked up to the drone.

"Where's Uzi? Where is she!?" Thad started getting angry, and grabbed the drone by the neck, unable to choke him from how weak he was. The drone laughed again, this time at the most chaotic. He stabbed Thad's hand, causing Thad to hold it in pain.

"I suppose I should reintroduce myself. The name's Blade. You have been getting my letters, right N?~" Blade chuckled, and threw a letter over to N, almost hitting Thad with it. N caught it and read it. N's eyes widened. His thoughts shooting around his mind a million miles an hour. This was the creepy letter guy. He thought about the times he got a random love note, and cast them aside, and he started feeling bad.

"Look, N. This guy's crazy, right? Doesn't he know that you like-" N looked at him angrily, causing his sentence to cut off. Blade caught on and figured it was V that N loved, breaking his figurative heart a bit.

"Wait, what!?" Blade staggered back from shock, and N walked up forward to him.

"Listen. Blade, just tell me where Uzi is, and I'll give you what you want. Good trade?" Thad looked at N in shock.

"N, what are you doing?! That isn't even a girl!" N looked back at Thad slowly, and then motioned waving his hand at his throat telling him to cut it out. Thad looked away out of embarrassment. N turned back to Blade. 

"Look, just tell me. Now. Or you aren't getting what you want." Blade thought about it for a while. 

"Okay. Sounds like a deal. Wanna shake on it?" Blade held his hand out to N, and N reluctantly shook his hand. "Good. Let's show you where your precious little grape is." Blade snapped his fingers. The lights in the room turned on, showing Uzi hanging off of the ceiling, lifeless, with her solver wings splayed out like a taxidermized bat shown for wingspans, or drawings of a bird's wingspan in the books N used to read. Her tail is sort of still alive, with it moving around trying to find a new host, but is too high up and realizes it would cause pain to the host. Her screen showing the Heart with a knife through it. N looked in horror, realizing what was really going on. Uzi was a red herring. A misleading discovery for what was really going on. Blade was the one who wanted N. Blade made Uzi kill V, and then Blade took Uzi's life, who was the only other person who genuinely showed care to him. Blade chuckled as the same signal flickered on his screen as well. N started to look in shock and anger. He stomped up to Blade.

"Wh-what is your goal?! Your reason?! You just took a drone's life! All for me? That isn't my love language. I should have you give me one reason to not kill you right here and now!" N grabbed Blade by the neck. Blade was choking and gagging, still laughing. His visor slowly flickered out, but then Thad stepped in, and shoved N over, making N drop Blade. "What was that?! My revenge was clear cut!"

"I-I don't know..! I just.. I felt bad, okay?" Thad was clearly regretful of coming with him.

"Wait, who are you?!" Blade shouted, but then realized. "Oh. Hey, popular boy.." Blade was clearly upset to see Thad with N. "Why are you even here? Don't you have Lizzy, or Rebecca? Oh wait. Rebecca's dead." Blade chuckled slightly at Rebecca's passing like a schoolgirl.

"Wait, you two have history?" N was clearly confused, and had no idea of what was going on. "Thad, you gotta explain before I lose it." N was clearly upset, and unsure of what to do.

"Yeah.. he was an old classmate, and my friends bullied him, and I didn't really do anything since I felt bad, and even then, I'm not as strong as them. Even though we all have the same body structure." Thad looked away from Blade, and then looked to N. "He kind of reminds me of you, N.." Blade and N looked at each other and back to Thad, both disgusted that he would compare one to the other. Then, Blade took advantage of the situation and latched onto N's back and grabbed N by the neck, and laughed maniacally.

"Don't you see? You belong to me now. With no one to love, your only choice is me!" Blade laughed maniacally. Thad stood there in shock, not sure what to do, and scared he'll lose everything for it all. N was on the brink of passing out, and Thad pulled out the pipe he salvaged from the disassembly drone fight a while ago. He then hit Blade in the head, causing his screen to crack, and knocking him off of N. N coughed up a bit of oil, and Thad helped support him. Blade got back up, and rushed at the two of them with a knife, and Thad blocked the stab with his metal pipe. Thad and Blade dueled with their respective weapons. Blade had Thad pinned on the wall, and the knife at Thad's neck. Blade laughed, giggled, and looked into Thad's soul.

"I have you in a brace, now's my chance to seek my revenge!" Blade was tilting his head, cracking his neck in the process. Blade pushed the knife deeper onto Thad's neck, and almost caused Thad to leak oil, before someone stormed in, as if they were running, and batted Blade away with a simple kick to the noggin, sending Blade across the room and into a wall, cracking his screen even more. A drone wearing a black top hat with a purple band on it, and a fancy suit with jeans and a belt stood between Thad and Blade, with N still recovering from being choked out. Blade looked in shock.

"Looks like I have some unfinished business to do," the drone said. He had a subtle Australian accent that you could easily confuse with British. He stood there proud, and ready to finish the job. He cracks his knuckles and his neck. "Let's get to the curtain call, shall we? I mean, this act is about to close up after all." 

"Oh, you wanna fight? We can fight alright!" Blade got his knife at the ready, and the two rushed at each other. The final act shall ensue.

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