Thrown out

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Dear journal ,
"I hate it here . she took my fucking phone once again ! i'm over 18 for fuck sake! it's my birthday and not one person has even wished me a happy birthday . I'm so ready to move out this house ! My adopted family are demons from hell , i thought it would be different once i got adopted but it's not . Maybe physically , but mentally it's the same way my mother was like . i'm ready to hear back from the Miami realtor so i can get the fuck out of Tennessee. "

There was a loud knock on my door which made me jump and i quickly threw my journal under my pillow and sat there pretending to read a book .

"Amora , what is this ?" My adopted mother had asked as she showed me messages between me and this girl i met online .

" It's a friend i met." i said as i looked down playing with my hands . I'm soooo fucked i thought to myself

"Really , so friends calls each other baby and ask what that mouth do? Is this really how we raised you ! We didn't raise a ungrateful lesbian ! you will not be gay in this house !" she yelled at me throwing my phone across my room

"It's not how you raise someone , it doesn't matter if i was surrounded by boys or not you can't change who you love . i'm a lesbian , i'm proud of who i am and i will never change no matter how many times you try and pray it out of me." i yelled as i grabbed my phone and shoved it in my pocket as she went to my closet

"GET OUT , RIGHT NOW ! NO CHILD OF MINE WILL BE A FAGGOT . YOU DISGUST ME ! YOU'RE GOING TO HELL " She screamed pushing me out the door , throwing my clothes

" Then i'll meet you there" i said smiling before she slammed the door .

I gathered all my stuff and threw it in my truck and started driving away from my adopted parents home . As i pulled out of the driveway i got a text from my best friend destiny .

"Come over , I have the best bday gift for you :)

"Be there in 20!"

As i was driving i contemplated whether to tell my best friend what happened or not . I hate to have people worry about me but I kinda don't have anywhere to go until we finalize the house me and my best friend was getting together ! We both was ready for a new start and we both love the ocean so we wanted to move to Miami .

I finally arrived at my best friends house and she had the biggest grin on her face , as we went in her room all her stuff was packed in boxes and suitcases .

"Destiny , what's going on ? why is your stuff packed." i asked

"well bitchhhhh , we fucking moving to Miami! I got the call today that everything is ready and we can move in asap . And also your brother had called me and told me what happened soooo i started packing and we leaving tonight ! WE FINNA HAVE OUR OWN PLACE AMORA!" she said excitedly

I grinned from ear to ear , i was so happy i didn't have to sleep in my truck . I helped her pack her stuff in her infiniti suv and she packed some boxes in my truck which i love very much . I worked so hard to get the things i wanted in life without any help and i couldn't be more happier to leave this fucking hell hole

Message from author : This book is the first book i have written that i will finish ! Depending on how much you like the book i'll make more ! i wanted to give my writing i try so please leave comments if you want more :)

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