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About a couple months later
⚠️⚠️ Read at your own risk , there will be some triggers in this chapter ⚠️⚠️

I rolled out of bed and took a shower getting ready for work . Destiny no longer works at the strip club cause drew doesn't like that men harass her there . Cameron is okay with it since she is there every night watching my every move , tonight she wasn't going to be there she cause she had plans

"Bye baby, have a good night." i said as i kissed cameron's forehead

"Bye mamas , text me when you get there please and thank you ." She said and i ran downstairs to get into the uber , i didn't feel like driving today .

Once i got to work i went to the back and get my makeup and my hair after about 30 mins my name was called to go on the dance floor and i did my dance and then someone wanted a private dance .

I started to walk to the private room with the man following close behind me , once we got to the room he sat down a pour two glasses of drinks as I turned around to shut the door . Once I came back towards him he offered me a drink and of course I didn't decline since he was paying over 5 grand for this private dance. I took the drink in one gulp and started to dance to the song playing .

About 5 mins into the dance I started to feel funny , I was getting dizzy and felt like I was going to pass out but I did't stop dancing . I pushed the feeling away and continued to give him the show he was paying for until everything went black I don't remember anything.

I could barely keep my eyes open , I don't know what was happening my vision was blurred and all I could see was a big figure on top of me . My body was so stiff but I was able to slowly lift my hands to feel that I didn't have any clothes on , I started to panic . I was trying so hard to fight him off but I didn't have the energy .

"You are mines tonight baby. I'm going to take good care of you love." The figure said

"Please, get off of me , please stop. I don't want this." I managed to let out , he didn't get off. I let the tears run down my face as I felt lifeless as he continued to let his has roam my body and I felt pressure inside of me. Im use to dick being inside of me cause of Cameron but this was different, I felt disgusting , it hurt , It felt like my insides was being ripped open. I continued to to try to fight but whatever was in that drink made me so weak. I sat there and cried and was hoping he was done but he kept going and it felt like forever until I heard a big bang as the door swung open and there was security grabbing him off of me and 2 other girl dancers rushed by my side and helped me out.

"Amora, are you okay? I heard cries from the door as I walked by so I had to get someone cause the door was locked." the dancer said

"I wanna go home , I want Cameron." I said softly still crying as I went into the back room and change into sweatpants and hoodie . I looked into the mirror as I wiped the make-up off , I still felt out of it , I felt numb.

"I called destiny , I didn't have Camerons number." the girl said as destiny slammed the door open which caused me to jump

"Come her baby , lets go home." she said as she picked me up and we headed to the door I placed over the parking lot and seen drew beating the mans ass , I seen her kicking him in the stomach

"IF I EVER SEE YOU EVER AGAIN I WILL END YOUR LIFE. " She yelled as she spit in his face and took his wallet out of his pocket

"You owe her your fucking life , just wait till my homegirl hear about his you bastard." she said as walking back to the car with us. Neither of them said anything they stayed silent the whole car ride until we got to the house. Drew sat on the couch as destiny took my upstairs and gave me a bath as I cried. She washed my body , my hair , my face and just let me sit in the bath all bottled up crying as drew started walking up stairs to sit in the bathroom with us

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