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Amora POV

The next morning was all a nightmare when i woke up , i barely remember anything from last night but i already know destiny is going to fucking kill me .

I immediately woke and and had to throw up , i spent about 30 mins in the bathroom before i seen destiny come into the bathroom.

"Amora , are you okay." she said slightly

"I don't feel good at all , I feel like I'm about to pass out." I said going back to vomiting into the toilet

"Do you want me to get Cameron?" she said

"NO, please take me to the urgent care." I said getting dressed

"Yes , come on." she said as she ran back to her house to get her keys as a sucked out the bedroom trying not to wake up cam and met destiny downstairs. we got into her car and drove for about 10 mins until I had her pull over so I can puke again. Once I was okay we started going again for another 10 mins before we finally arrived. We went into the urgent care and I told the first desk what was going on and checked in and sat and waited to be called

"I'm sorry about last night . I was stoned and then flash backs came into my head and-" I started to say before I was cut of by the doctor

"Amora Jones ." she called out as I got up and followed her into a room

"I need you to change into the gown , would you like her to step out." the doctor said pointing to destiny

"No she's fine." I said as destiny phone started to ring as the doctor walked out

"Hey baby , ill be home later. ill talk to you in a min." she said into the phone as the doctor walked back in after I was dressed

"Okay, what seems to be the problem today?" she asked

"Well recently I have been feeling real lightheaded and this morning I woke up throwing up for a good 30 mins straight and even had to pull over on the way here to puke , I feel like I have to pass out and my boobs are really tender." I said as she and destiny raised their eyebrows

"What why are y'all looking at me like that." I said

"Any chance you may be pregnant?" the doctor said

"Omg , no. well maybe but I didn't think anything of it. oh this can't happen right now ." I said starting to cry as the doctor went to get a test

"Amora , you have always wanted this, you would be a great mother." destiny said

"I know but I feel so bad, I just tried to kill myself . Hell me and this baby if I am, like what kind of mother does that." I said sobbing

"You didn't know Amora , stop it. maybe if you are this is a sign that its time for the next step in your life . Maybe this is what you need to feel complete , and whole as a person." destiny said as the doctor knocked

"Okay pee in this cup for me and we will do a digital test so you can be here to see the results." see said as I took the cup and went to pee. Once I was done I came back to the room and sat it in from of the doctor and sat next to her as she put the test into my pee. I saw destiny pull out her phone and started to record as we sat and waiting for the blinking test to give us a result. After 3 mins of waiting it stopped blinking and the doctor turned to me

"Well , congratulations you are pregnant . We will need to get you in with a OBGYN and they can discuss your next steps with you. I will prescribe you some meds for vomiting and feeling lightheaded . You will need to start taking prenatal asap and make sure you are eating and drinking correctly. We are all done here you can get a list of OBGYN near the area once you check out. I wish you the best of luck ms. jones." she said walking out the room

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