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Day four- it's 2:28 in the morning

Tecchou: So oxygen went on a date with potassium, it went... OK.
Teruko: I thought oxygen was dating magnesium, OMG.
Tecchou: Actually oxygen first asked nitrogen out, but nitrogen was all like NO.
Tachihara: I thought oxygen had that double bond with the hydrogen twins.
Jouno: Looks like someone's a HO.
Tachihara: NaBrO.
Gin: I'm done with all of you!


Day four- it's breakfast and they're all sitting down while Gin is tired asf and decides to ask:

Gin: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?

Gin: I'd be maybe a bit tipsy?

Teruko: Drunk.

Jouno: Wasted.

Tachihara and Tecchou: Dead.


Day four- Still breakfast but a bit after Gin asked the question.:

Jouno, gets an idea: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right?
Tecchou: Nope, there's 26.
Jouno: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T.
Tecchou: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one.
Jouno: You'll get the D later ;).

Teruko, whispering to Gin: Do you think they got together?

Gin, whispering back: I think they fucked. I mean they did both leave to the bathroom last night.

Tachihara, who was sitting between the two: *sighs but proceeds to eat milkless cereal*


Day four- during lunch

Jouno: Guys, I've been meaning to tell you... Tecchou and I are now dating.

Tecchou, Teruko, Gin, and Tachihara: *gasp*

Jouno: Tecchou, why are you surprised?!


Day four- in between lunch and dinner. They're playing "What do you do" so Gin could get to know how they act.

Gin: What do you do when someone offers you drugs?

Jouno: Offer them even more drugs to assert dominance then take yours and theirs!

Tachihara: Punch them in the neck and report them!

Teruko: Say thank you!

Tecchou: Take them and then say thank you for donating towards my death!

Everyone: ...

Gin: No.


Day four- after dinner Teruko and Jouno decided it was a good idea to summon a demon with Gin. Tachihara is the sacrifice.

Tachihara, who is tied up and gagged: Mmph mmm!

Gin to Teruko and Jouno: Why isn't it working?

Jouno: Teruko, are you sure you did everything right?

Teruko: I'm... not sure... let me go get the expert *runs off to find the expert*

After a few minutes Teruko returns with a tired Tecchou behind her

Teruko: I'm back and I got the expert!

They all turn to Teruko with a confused look, except Tachihara who was blindfolded.

Jouno: Why Tecchou?

Gin: Yeah, how is he an expert?

Teruko, ignoring their questions: So Tecchou, what did we do wrong?

Tecchou: How am I supposed to know?

Jouno: See he doesn't know anything!

Teruko, slapping Tecchou in the face: Come on! You've done this multiple times

Tecchou, sighs: The markings are wrong and you need a chant...... now bye.

Tecchou walks out of the room. Leaving a stunned Gin and Jouno

Teruko: I told you he knew what to do!


Words: 453

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