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Day five- In the morning

Tecchou, drinking a cup of coffee because he hasn't slept the past five nights cause Midnight Thoughts said fuck you: What if I make coffee with more coffee instead of water?

Jouno: *pats Tecchou on the head before hitting him in the head*

Teruko: That would be rather interesting to see!

Tachihara, who also hasn't slept in the past week and looks the part, he also has a large scratch on his neck and is still in shock of what occurred last night: If you make that, pass some of it to me....

Gin, unplugging the coffee machine: how about we don't do that-


Day five- The three forced Tecchou and Tachihara into a dark room and onto their cots or whatever to sleep

Tecchou, laying down looking at the ceiling: Hey Tachihara?

Tachihara, who is sitting up staring at a dark corner like there's something there: yes?....

Tecchou, turns over to look at Tachihara: What are the three stages of life?

Tachihara, still staring into the darkest corner of the room: Birth, What the fuck is this!?, and Death...


Day five- Jouno, Teruko, and Gin are just talking in the living room

Gin: Do you think Tecchou and Tachihara are sleeping?

Teruko: Yeah, I mean, it's not like they're summoning demons or anything

*Jouno laughs awkwardly along with Gin before they all go silent*

Teruko: r-right?

Jouno: They don't have anything to do it anyway so they're probably sleeping

*Teruko shrugs*

Gin: I guess you're right..


Day five- What Tecchou and Tachihara are ACTUALLY doing

Tecchou, who somehow got chalk, matches, candles, and a sound recorder and is now drawing a pentagram, and talking to the recorder while Tachihara is staring and watching intently: My goal is to finish what Teruko, Gin, and Jouno started last night. I will complete the summoning and give the demon full attachment to Tachihara.

*Tecchou looks at Tachihara, who is staring at him. Tecchou goes back to drawing the pentagram*

Tecchou: Tachihara and the demon will share that body and probably make some sort of contract or something.

*Tecchou places the candles down before grabbing Tachihara's shoulders and setting him down in the middle.*

Tachihara, sitting down in the middle of the pentagram: Tecchou you're sure this will work and I won't die?

Tecchou: Yeah of course!

Tachihara, sighs: okay...

Tecchou lights the candles before grabbing a knife from his boot: Tachihara give me your hand

Tachihara, slowly gives Tecchou his hand: This better fucking work

Tecchou cuts Tachihara's hand and sits criss cross outside the pentagram: Trust me it will!

*Tecchou starts saying weird motherfucking shit as the room starts shaking and Tachihara is fucking passed out on the floor.*

*Jouno, Teruko, and Gin bust into the room a few minutes later seeing Tecchou ad Tachihara passed out on the floor. There was writing on the walls in blood and the pentagram was smeared in one spot, like something had crawled out of it. The room was a mess and Tachihara was covered in blood, but with no visible injuries other than the one on his hand*

Teruko: What the actual fuck-


Day five- Jouno, Teruko, and Gin are in the waiting room of a hospital

Gin: We fucking jinxed it...

Teruko: I'm sure they didn't actually do anything. Right Jouno?

Jouno: Give me a good reason why Tecchou was on the floor ans his heart rate was fast as fuck and why Tachihara's heart beat was barely going, his breathing was bad, and he was freezing cold and covered in blood with no visible injuries other than the one on his hand

*There is silence. That night the three stayed in a small hotel close by, but none of them slept*

Words: 584

Hunting BitchsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora