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"Sounds like someone had a good night?" Gio asks me on the other line. "What?" I question acting surprised. "I don't know, you just sound overly happy, "he then responds.

After that mini interaction I had with Jocelynn earlier, it made me think about how we could possibly be friends. I was extremely comfortable with her presense being there and it never got or felt weird.

"Can I not be happy or what?" I say snapping back at him. "Depending on what your happy about," Gio replies back. Who does this boy think he is?

"You're crazy, call me back when you're okay," I say before hanging up quickly.

I finally take off the jacket that Jocelynn let me borrow for tonight, in which I'm so thankful for because it was extremely chilly outside for no reason. It's literally summer so, why is it cold at night? I really don't get temperature.

I jump in my bed, grab my book and continue reading until my grandparents come back.

Soon, I hear the door downstairs open up, meaning that my grandparents have arrived from the dinner. I then hear footsteps heading up the stairs. Just by the pace, I can tell these steps are my grandmas.

My bedroom door opens and I see a head slowly peaking out of it, revealing my grandma. She walks in and sends me a half smile as she sits at the end of my bed. I slightly move my feet to the side because she was so close to sitting on them. She looks up at me and says, "I'm so sorry, mi niña, for being like that at dinner."

"It's okay, Mama." I say as I shrug my shoulders knowing that in reality, it did hurt. She looks at me a bit more and raises her hand closer, as to touch my cheek. She caresses it with her thumb back and fourth repeatedly.

"I know it's not okay, Aaliyah, I took it way to far, breaking your boundaries, and I feel really really bad. " I look at her to try to read her expression and see that her apology is sincere and that she actually means it.

"Mama, It's really okay, I just panicked in the moment like I always do. You see me, I'm fine." I say going up to her and giving her a hug which she returns holding me tightly in her arms. "I was going to go outside after you but then Jocelynn and Miguel stood up from the table, exchanged looks and then it seemed like Jocelynn felt like it would be better for her to go and check up on you. That's when Miguel gave up his jacket and gave it to Jocelynn." Mama says while brushing my hair down with her hand.

Both of them wanted to help me? I was over here having a whole panick attack and they didn't feel weirded out about it? Their first instinct was to help me out. Hm..

I yawn and which makes my grandma elook at me and say, "You look tired, mija. Get some rest and sweet dreams." Mama then gives me a kiss on the head and rubs my back. She turns off my lights and closes my door.

I roll over to the other side to turn on my cute bunny lamp that's on my nightstand, snuggle up into a ball in my covers and let my mind take me wherever it pleases.

I wonder what Miguel's and Jocelynn's thoughts the entire time? My grandma stated that they both stood up form the table without saying a word to eachother but knew what to do telepathically. Ugh, things like this make me want to have siblings but knowing that could never be possible really brings down my mood.

Maybe I didn't embarass myself to the point that they don't want anything to do with me. This can be the start of a really good season of... Aaliyah's life. I just made that up just now. I should really go to sleep. Tomorrow, I have to go and return this jacket to Miguel which would be an opportunity to talk to them again. Look at me looking forward to stuff.

This won't be so hard after all.

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