The Jacket Pt.2

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I ring the door bell and a few seconds later, it finally opens, revealing Miguel wearing a black hoodie and some grey sweatpants. His pitch black hair slightly covering his eyes in which he runs a hand through it revealing his honey colored eyes. He has one arm on the door header and leaning against the side to look down at me. "Hey," he says smiling  with a slight husky voice. Did he just wake up?

"Hey," I say back just staring at him. "Oh uh, here's your jacket, and tell your sister that I said thanks for yesterday," I finally snap out of it.

"No problem, Aaliyah." He says reaching his hand out. Our hands slightly rub against each other which sent a small shiver down my spine.

He stays looking at me for a bit which makes me a little nervous but I don't break the eye contact. "Aaliyah," He begins, "would you be interested to come to the beach with my sister and I? Nikolai says while straightening up he posture.

Omg they want to hang out with me? Miguel and Jocelynn want to hang out with me.

"Totally, when?" I say down for anything to spend time with them. "How does tomorrow sound?" Niko asks still looking at me. " I think I can," I say thinking about if we're doing anything for Jane's birthday.

"If anything, you can confirm it with me later. Wait," He say says while going into the house and getting paper and a pen writing something down. He then passes me the paper and it has a number on it.

His number.

I receive the paper and smile at it. I look back up at him and say "Okay, I'll let you know then, Miguel." We stay smiling at each other until I see Miguels's eyes drift off to something or should I say someone behind me. I decided to turn around and then I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder.

     "Hey, Aaliyah, is this the friend you were talking about?" Gio says looking at Miguel.

Kill. Me. Now.

Right when he said that, Miguel looked at me and smirked until he looked back at Gio. "Hey, I'm Miguel, nice to meet you" he says while going to dab him him. "Nah, I'm good bro," Giovanni utters while backing away form Miguel. What the hell is his problem? Miguel stops in his tracks and just mouthed the word "okay".

This is awkward. I don't know what to do.

Thankfully, a car passed by with some funny music playing which made us all laugh and break the tension that there was.

     "I'll see you around, Miguel." I say with an apologetic smile before turning around on my heels. Miguel closes his eyes and nods understandably.


     "What the hell was that all about?" I ask Gio as soon as I enter the house. He only looks at me and shrugs his shoulders. "That was so rude of you," I add.

     "Just because I didn't dab him up?" He says with an 'are you serious' expression written on his face. Is he stupid or stupid? Does he really not see anything wrong with this? Is there really nothing wrong with this or is it just me?

     "He was being nice and introducing himself properly, unlike you just coming up from literally nowhere and saying whatever you want" I further explain to him. I roll my eyes and head over to the kitchen to pour myself some water. As I'm leaving, he lightly grabs me by my wrists making me turn to him. he looks down at me and leans down to give me a hug. Since I'm not feeling this, I try to push him away but he only tightens up his grip around me. "I'm sorry, Ali" He says whispering on the top of my head.

He's only saying this because I feel bad about the situation. Clearly, he didn't see anything wrong with it until I said something about it. If your actually sorry for something, at least be genuine about it.

After what feels like a decade, he finally pulls away from the hug and then tell me that he's leaving so, he quickly goes upstairs to get the poster from my room and then comes back downstairs.

Before opening the door, he looks at me and says "I really am sorry and if anything, I will introduce myself properly the next time I see him." I nod my head and smile with showing my teeth. "Thank you for all the help with the poster" Gio adds. "I hope she likes it" I say opening the door. Mason walks out and I close it again.


"No problem, Aaliyah." Our hands slightly rub against each other . "would you want to come to the beach with my sister and I? "If anything, you can confirm it with me later."

Omg the paper with his number. I quickly grab the piece from my pocket and run up to my room, closing the door behind me. I get my phone from my desk and starting putting Miguel's number in my contacts.

I go to text him to confirm that I'm free to go to the beach tomorrow. After a few minutes, I hear my phone make a sound meaning I got a notification from something. I see Miguel's name pop up and I immediately open.

'Awesome. Let's meet in front of our houses at 3.'

~Quick Recap~

• Do you think Giovanni's behavior towards Miguel was necessary?

• Omg, Miguel and Aaliyah's little moment where they were talking had me cheesing!!

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