The Jacket

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Gio texted me earlier and said he needs my help for something special he's preparing for tomorrow. He began asking me questions on the phone but then said that he would rather ask them in person when he comes over.

"Ali, in a few, I will be running errands with Martha. So, ill be leaving you with the keys that are on the table just incase your grandpa decides to open up the shop early. "Mama speaks while heading upstairs.

"Okay" I reply back while scrolling through my phone. I see one of my classmates post a picture of this one girl that literally hates my guts. Marisol. Just seeing her makes me feel sick. Thanks to her, I have a hard time making friends with anyone nowadays except Gio. Gio is the longest and only friendship i've ever had. We know everything about eachother like the people we trust, the people we dont, why we do and don't.

Anyways, enough of those horrible memories that I had to be reminded of this morning. Good to know that her birthday is coming up. I roll my eyes and head up upstairs to freshen up.


I put on my new hoodie and wore some ripped jean shorts. My outfit is pretty simple but no one is going to see but Gio. I have been in way worse outfits.... Yeah, I'm looking at you elementary Ali. I don't know why my grandma let me dress myself up for school.

I hear the door being knocked twice which is Gio's signature knock for me to know that he's here. He made it up when we were in 6th grade. I quickly go down stairs and open the door. I see him holding a poster in his hands. "Damn, what's with the hair?" I say looking directly at it. I swear it looks like a bird's nest. He runs his fingers through it and shakes his head. That one motion that every guy does when they have fluffy or curly hair. "Were those shorts eaten up by sharks?" he says back, looking at me up and down while walking in the house. Jerk. I roll my eyes and close the door behind me.

We walk upstairs to my room and close the door. Gio places the poster board on my desk, takes out a notepad from I don't know where and starts asking me questions.

Would you rather have a boquete of red roses or white roses? At which restaurant should I reserve seats at? Instrumental music or music with words to have a cute moment? Recording the memory or live the moment?....

After being questioned for almost an hour like if I commited a crime, we finally get to doing things. "Do you not have markers or anything?" I ask looking around him. "I was planning on asking you if we could use those cute markers you love to collect" Gio says with an awkward smile. " Fine," I say while I get up from my bed and walk over to where all my stationary things are.

"Oh Aaliyah, could you write is as well?" He looks up at me and I nod my head. "What do you want me to write and what color?" I say while looking into the bin of colors.

"Her favorite color is light green and write Happy birthday M, and write I love you in red" He says looking at me write down what he told me. I do as he says and try my best to write it perfectly. We decided to add a little bit of glitter to make the letters pop.

My desk now looks like a unicorn threw up on it. Glitter, markers, tape, and pens everywhere. At least, everything came out perfect and that's all that matters. "Thank you so much, Ali" He says while hugging me. I hug him back and pat his back. I then wince in pain because my wrists hurt so freaking bad from writing.

After a few minutes, I decided to clean up the mess because I can't keep my room looking like this. While I'm doing that, Gio decides to have a whole tour around my room like if he hasn't seen or been in it before.

I'm packing up the very last thing until Giovanni says "What's this? "making me turn my neck in his direction to see what he's talking about and there is was.

The jacket.

Miguel's black, snug, and soft jacket that I wore yesterday. The memory plays in my head on how Jocelynn stayed with me during a moment so stressful for me and how she didn't make me feel as if I was doing too much. I oddly felt comfortable around her although I had just met her officially that day.

"Oh, I- that's my friends jacket "I say trying to quit the random daydreaming scene. Gio raises the jacket, looks at it, looks at me, then he walks towards me.

"You stuttered." He says trying to prove a point. "And? Can I not stutter, Gio?" I say crossing my arms looking up at him. He has his mouth slightly open, not knowing what to say. "Since when do you have friends?" he then speaks. What a dick. "I met him yesterday," I say taking the jacket away from him and fold it on my bed.

"Having clothes of someone you JUST met? Wow, Aaliyah, never thought you would be the type," Gio starts rambling off.

Why does he care so much? "What do you mean by 'not the type'?" I arrow my eyes at him putting one of my hands on my hip. He's the one that looks away from the eye contact first and shakes his head. "Nothing," he says taking the board in his hand. That's what I thought, stupid.

I grab a a cute bag where I could put the jacket in. I look up to see what Gio is doing and he's just there standing Infront of my door, something clearly bothering him. "Do you want to meet him or something?" I ask continuing to put the jacket in the bag. He looks back at me and says "Whatever,". I'm going to take that as a 'No' because why is he being bitchy right now.

"Wait for me here then," I say while grabbing the bag and heading down stairs.

~Quick Run Down ~

Wait, is Giovanni jealous about the jacket?

What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

what's your favorite animal & why?
mine are killer whales & bunnies :3

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