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-6/21/23——9:45 PM—Wed——

                Hanging with the Serpents was your safe haven. The one place you felt that you truly belonged. They all respected you there, all understood you. But some more than others. Sure, everyone got along with you, but your real friends were the younger serpents. Jughead, Toni, Fangs, Joaquin, Sweet Pea. Especially Sweet Pea, you guys have been tight as can be ever since you joined. Obviously, as Southside Serpents, you two would protect any Serpent with your lives, but you had a fiercer loyalty to each other than anyone else. Even if something happened to the Serpents, it would still be you and Sweet Pea against the world.

                That particular night, it was dark and stormy, making you all feel cozy inside Veronica Lodge's speakeasy. It had become a popular hangout spot for all the younger serpents for their time that wasn't spent at the Whyte Wyrm. All your friends were gathered in your favorite corner of the bar at chairs and couches around a coffee table. Toni and Cheryl were holding hands on a couch, Jughead stood next to Betty sitting in a chair, Joaquin was with Kevin, along with Fangs, Archie, and Josie being there. Sweet Pea was sitting on an armchair with you sprawled across his lap. The position had become a kind of joke between you two, but its origins were a dark memory. Someone got hurt, some blood was spilled, and you regained consciousness across his lap while he was still out cold. It was a long story, and one you didn't like thinking about. But ever since then you two found comfort and humor in the position, him sitting with you laying across his lap, the ends of your lanky legs hanging off the chair while he played with your hair. This was how it was with you two. You were best friends, and despite some newbies got the wrong impression because of how physically affectionate you two sometimes were, it was nothing more than that. You two had been through more with each other than probably any other Serpent in the building.

                Veronica walked over, smirking at you two before asking if anyone needed any drinks. Sweet Pea looked up at her with a smile, but his eyes were glaring. "What's so funny Veronica? Got something to say?" he accused. Sweet Pea had never liked Veronica, usually opting to be pretty aggressive towards her. You never said anything, cause she wasn't exactly at the top of your list either. "I was just wondering if this time you guys finally got together. People aren't usually so close with their.. 'best friend'". Veronica was always the matchmaker. For some people, it worked out great, and Archie seemed to find it endearing, but for others it just pissed them off. You and Sweet Pea were definitely two of those others. It made her seem almost cheesy, how often she harassed you two about getting together. Everything was romanticized in her perfect preppy little life. She couldn't comprehend having a friend so close, seeing as she drove most people away. But that was her problem. "No Ronnie, we aren't together. For the last time." you threw at her. You didn't really mean it to sound so aggressive, but it felt like every time you guys were here she was trying to get you together. Once she had left, Sweet Pea muttered "Just cause she's hookin up with Andrews and Reggie doesn't mean that everyone else has to have so much excitement in their life." You looked up at him and smiled. "Sweet Pea, be nice, we don't even know if that thing with Reggie is true. And as much as I dislike the guy, I wouldn't want Archie to hear you. It'd get messy." Sweet Pea looked down at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Uh huh, whatever you say prince." he replied. Prince was something he has started to call you, cause one time he called you princess and you punched him. So prince it was.

                It was nice, sitting with him, having him play with your hair and comfort you. Both of you had a sort of therapeutic feeling when the other was around. It was all platonic, but you were able to be yourselves and exposed without feeling uncomfortable with each other. Even more so than with the other Serpents, which was saying something since you'd die for any Serpent if it meant protecting them. It was sort of like having a cuddle buddy that you knew would always be there for you. You guys lived pretty close to each other, so visiting in the middle of the night was never really a problem. Ever since the night terrors had started with him, that had become more and more common. Ever since that terrible night, where you both got hurt and you woke up in his lap, he's had terrible nightmares and sleep paralysis. Sure, yours were bad too, but seemingly nothing compared to his. He'd text you after they happened, or even if he was feeling particularly scared before going to bed, and dutifully you'd come over. He went to your house too whenever you asked, but that wasn't often. His place was the designated hang out spot for you two most of the time. No one knew about his night terrors, and he trusted you to keep it that way. Would definitely blow away his whole tough guy cover. Cause after all, he was just a sweet pea.

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