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-6/22/23——3:00 PM—Thurs—

                Sweet Pea drove you back home, but you didn't really feel like being alone at the moment. "Actually Pea, would it be ok if I came over to your place for a bit?" you asked. He gave you a big smile, then lightly grabbed your wrist and led you over. "Of course prince. There's something I meant to show you earlier, but I kept forgetting to." he replied. You walked with him as he led you to an area behind his trailer. When you got to the back, you saw lots of pretty flowers. You looked up at him, sort of confused, and he had a big smile on his face. "I've been trying out gardening lately, for fun. I didn't want to show anyone until the plants actually grew." he explained. He stopped leading you, letting you walk around and look at all the pretty flowers in their pots. One area in particular had beautiful flowers that caught your eye. It had Bleeding Hearts, and another kind of flower you couldn't identify. "These are all beautiful Pea. What kind are these?" you asked, pointing to the other kind. "They're called Adeniums" he said. "You like them?" "Yeah, they're so pink and pretty. When did you start this garden?" you asked. "Probably a few months ago. Don't think anyone's found out cause who would go behind my trailer?" he explained. "Well this is really cool Sweet Pea, could I help you out with it some time?" you inquired. This made him smile even more. "Sure, I'd love that. Wanna go inside and get something to eat?" he asked. You nodded, and both of you headed inside.

                You sat on his couch, and he went to the fridge to get some snacks. He came out with pretzel sticks and some sweet tea. "Sweet Tea for the Sweet Pea?" you asked with a snicker. "I got it cause I know you like it." he admitted. "Aww, look at you being all sweet. Guess your name fits after all Sweets." you teased. Pretzel sticks were also one of your favorite things, but you weren't sure if he knew that or not. Maybe he was a lot more observant than you'd picked up on. He sat down on the couch next to you, and you snuggled in closer to him. It was always relaxing to be with him like this, just you two. You rested your head on his chest, just as your heard a 'ding!' from your phone. It was Fangs texting you.

Fangs 🕷️:: J.P says to be in the hotel room at 7:15 PM at the latest, the guy will be there at like 7:30

Fangs 🕷️:: Like I said we'll be in the connected room, bring Sweet Pea

You:: I'll be there, you said I needed to signal you guys? What's the signal?

Fangs 🕷️:: Signal is clicking a small button that'll be on your armchair. That'll make some sorta noise that we'll be able to hear. Idk J.P was the one who set it all up so he knows more than me

                "Fangs says we need to be there at 7:15 PM, so let's get there at like 7:00?" you suggested. "Yeah, that sounds good." he agreed. "Want me to give you a ride again?" "Sure Sweets, and thanks." You laid your head back down on his chest and put your arm around his stomach, hugging him. Sounded like a pretty big and possibly dangerous mission tonight, so you wanted to relax while you could. "You ok?" he asked. "I'm fine, you're just cozy." you responded. You laid there for a bit longer, your eyelids getting heavy. You felt him adjust, and felt him pull a blanket over you two. He whispered "I'll wake you up when it's time to leave," putting his arm around you. Then, he kissed you on the forehead. This kind of thing had happened many times before with you two.

But this time, it felt different.

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