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-6/22/23——9:30 AM—Thurs——

                You woke up to the pleasant fuzz of the blankets on your face, and a hand shaking your shoulder. Sweet Pea was waking you up, with a big smile on his face. "Hey Y/N, you should wake up. Your breakfast is gonna get cold." he said to you. "My breakfast? Sweet Pea don't you dare tell me you cooked for me, cause I told you to stop doing that." He looked at you somewhat guiltily, before responding "Cook for you? No, I'd never. There's simply lots of extra food, and I couldn't possibly eat it all by myself." He looked at you with those big puppy dog eyes. "Sweet Pea, you could eat everything in your fridge and still be hungry. But fine, since you asked so nicely I'll join you for breakfast." you shot back. With that, you folded back up the blankets and put them back in the closet along with the pillow. Grabbing your jacket, you headed out of his bedroom to the table.

                Sweet Pea was a great cook, despite what everyone else seemed to believe. He had cooked up bacon and questionably shaped pancakes this morning. He had already sat down and was devouring his food. You sat down and took tiny bites, not feeling particularly hungry despite how good it tasted. "Y/N do not tell me I added too much flour to the pancakes again, I made sure to add way less this time." he said to you in a panic. "No, they're great Pea. Just not feeling hungry." you replied. This seemed to satisfy him.

                After you two finished breakfast together, he went to walk you out. As he opened the door and stepped out, you went outside and saw Archie looking over at you two, heading in the direction of Jughead's trailer. You two locked eyes and he wouldn't break eye contact. Suddenly it occurred to you what this looked like. "Shit Sweets, he's gonna think I slept with you or something. That doesn't matter, but what if he tells Jughead?" you whispered quickly. Sweet Pea had a slightly annoyed expression towards Archie, but he remained calm. "That's alright, if he even tells Jughead and Jughead asks us, we can just say that I invited you to join me for breakfast. That's not even a lie." he replied. "Yeah, sure big guy, except I'm still in my pajamas." This threw him for a loop. "Whatever, we can cross that bridge if we get there. Just, please, let's try not to let Jughead know about the reason you come over? About the night terrors?" he asked you pleadingly. "Of course, we can think of something else to tell him, don't worry Sweets. See you later." "See you later Y/N."

                You walked back home, going back to get dressed. You decided to text Reggie and see if he could talk.

You:: Hey Reggie, can you talk? I wanna ask you about a thing or two

Reggie 🐶:: Sure pretty, what's up? Finally confessing your love for me?

You:: Shut up Reginald, in your dreams. That's what your little Ronnie is for, isn't she?

You:: Tell me what that phone call was about last night, cause I know it wasn't some shipping order or whatever you said

Reggie 🐶:: What

Reggie 🐶:: It was just about a shipping order, chill bro

Reggie 🐶:: And don't talk about Ronnie like that

You:: I was just wondering, cause it seemed serious and last time you two tried to handle something with no help the Ghoulies started jumping people

Reggie 🐶:: Fine meet up at Pop's later, but we talk when Veronica is downstairs in the speakeasy. I'm not texting you this shit where you can screenshot it

You:: Must be serious then

You:: What time

Reggie 🐶:: 2 PM

                Well at least Reggie was planning on telling you something. Hopefully it was the truth. You'd probably invite Sweet Pea and maybe Fangs to come along with, you'd be hanging out with them by that time anyway. Just as you were about to text Fangs, there was a knock at your door and then Jughead walked in. Most of your closer Serpent friends that came over often didn't bother waiting for you to open the door. He cut right to the chase. "Archie came over to tell me something, but he mentioned something pretty peculiar." he said after cocking an eyebrow. "Well what would that peculiar thing be?" you replied. "Well apparently, Fangs was looking for you last night. He lost his phone at the speakeasy so he couldn't call you. It either must've been important or he was really worried. He stopped by your house and didn't find you there, then went all along the Southside and even to parts of the Northside like Archie's house." Jughead explained. "Well shit, did he find his phone? Can I text him?" you said frantically. More people than you wanted were realizing you weren't at your own house last night. Plus if Fangs was going all around Riverdale looking for you at god knows what hour, it definitely must've been important. "I don't think he's found it, or he would've texted one of us." Jughead muttered, more to himself. "Well I'm going over to his house now in that case." you said, scrambling to get your shoes and Serpent jacket on. "Alright Y/N, be safe. One more thing, not that it's really my business. I was going to ask where you were last night, but Archie said he saw you leaving Sweet Pea's house. What's up with that?" he asked. "He invited me over for breakfast." was all you said, with a smile. Archie might not have included or even known about the pajamas you were wearing, clueing him in to the little sleepover. Jughead nodded, and followed you out the door.

                You walked over to Fangs' house and knocked, opening the door. All the lights were off and when you called out "Fangs?" there was no reply. You checked his bedroom and knocked on his bathroom, but nothing got a response. You decided to walk over to Sweet Pea's house to ask if he had seen Fangs. 

               You got to Sweet Pea's house and tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Ay Sweet Pea, you in here?" you called out. You had a key, but the door was almost never locked so you didn't want to invade his privacy. "YEAH, ONE SECOND," you heard him shout from deep in his trailer. About 20 seconds later, he unlocked the door, holding a switchblade in his hand. His face looked distressed and sweaty. "Woah, Pea, it's just me, whatcha doin with that?" you said as you took a step back. The second he processed that it was you at the door, his entire demeanor changed and he seemed to relax. He looked down at the blade, seeming like he had forgotten it was even there. "Uh, hey prince. I was just.. trying to unlock something. I lost the key. Yeah." he said. "Uhh ok, well I could help you in a bit if you'd like. Anyway, the reason i'm here is cause I can't find Fangs. Have you seen him around?" you replied. Sweet Pea's smile dropped, and he looked sort of sad. "No, I haven't seen him since the speakeasy last night. Is that all?" he said. "I guess so. Uh, do you mind if I come in though? You're acting a little weird ." "I'm fine, but not really in the mood for company right now." he said as he quickly tried to close the door. "Sweet Pea. Let me in." you said firmly as you stopped him from closing the door. He reluctantly stepped aside to let you in.

                You came inside and sat down on his couch. He opted to sit away from you in an arm chair. "Listen, I'm worried about Fangs cause he's MIA, but you're clearly also upset about something and I don't want you going missing on me too. Plus, you're more important to me. So what's going on Sweets? Please talk to me." you said to him, trying to sound comforting. He furrowed his brows, seeming like he was trying to think of what to say. Or what not to say. "I've just been really stressed out lately. Y'know, all these Serpent jobs J.P has been having us go on, trying to keep my emotions in check. And there's someone who.. won't return my calls, let's just say that." he explained. You had an idea who the person not returning his calls was. Josie, the girl he'd had a temporary relationship with. "I'm so sorry Sweets, I wish you'd told me sooner. I would've tried to help or something." you replied. "No, I didn't want you to worry about it. I'm already dragging you out here every night just cause of some stupid nightmares, and I'm a burden to you because of that. I don't want you to hate me." "Sweet Pea, what are you talking about? Come here," you said, staring at him in shock. How could he think that you hate him? Or that he's a burden to you? He slowly got up and sat next to you on the couch. You gave him a big hug, and continued. "You are not a burden to me, please don't even say that. You're my best friend in the whole world Pea, and you mean everything to me. Never think that I hate you because I couldn't hate you, it would destroy me." you said. He nodded, and you could see the tears welling in his eyes. Sweet Pea almost never cried. "Thank you so much for that. I think I really needed to hear that, especially from you." he said. A tiny smile crept onto his face, causing you to hug him again and give him a tiny kiss on the forehead. "What do you say Sweets, wanna go get some ice cream together at Pop's? We can ask around for where Fang might be, and I also have to talk to Reggie about something." you asked. This time, he didn't seem upset about you talking about other people. The moment of insecurity was over. "Sure, I'd love to prince. Let's go." As he walked out with you, he hesitated for a second and glanced at the switchblade he had placed on the table. You still wondered what it was he had been trying to unlock, or if it was something else entirely he had been doing.

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