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-6/21/23——10:50 PM—Wed——

                Originally, when the Northsiders first started hanging out with you Southsiders more, they didn't really understand your relationships with one another. How the Serpents weren't friends in a club, or simply a shoulder to cry on for each other. They were blood. Family. The top priority.

                Naturally, sort of like with Veronica, this provided some confusion about your friendship with Sweet Pea. Betty told you that you looked like a really cute couple together before she knew, and Archie still probably hadn't really wrapped his head around it.

                It was around 11 PM, and raining harder than before. Your Serpent jacket would only keep you so warm once you were out in that rain on your bike. This just made the warm comfort of the Speakeasy, and Sweet Pea, harder to leave.

                The first to leave were Kevin and Joaquin, no doubt heading back to Joaquin's place together to have some fun. Seeing them leave, Betty got a reality check and noticed the time, scrambling to get her stuff together and leave before her mom broke the door down to find her. She gave Jug a quick kiss on the cheek and walked quickly out. Fangs had already seen himself out to go flirt with some girl at the bar, what a surprise. One by one, the gathered group dwindled away until it was just you, Sweet Pea, and Juggy. You'd gotten up to sit in your own seat by now, with Jughead and Sweet Pea goofing off joking about god knows what. It was fun, watching them mess around with each other. Jughead was acting like he was tough shit even though Sweet Pea clearly had quite the size advantage on him. It was almost nostalgic, allowing you to think of simpler times where you guys had less responsibility, were more naive.

                You planned on slipping out unnoticed, leaving them to their fun, but as soon as you got up to leave they both turned to you and asked what was up. "Well, unlike you party animals, I do have a life to get back to tomorrow. I was going to head home." you replied. Sweet Pea looked at you with big puppy dog eyes, asking you to stay a little longer with him. You knew you'd probably end up seeing him later that night, but you couldn't say that with Jughead right there. So instead you just shook your head at them and walked out. They knew you didn't mean it in a rude way.

                As you were walking out, you saw Reggie on the phone, looking like he was concentrating hard. He suddenly gestured Veronica to come over, then gave you a wary sideways glance. He whispered something to Veronica, and both of them started to look distressed. He handed the phone off to her, so you took that as a chance to see what was up. "Reggie, hey, what was going on with that? Looked pretty serious." you inquired. You stayed away from most Bulldogs, but you and Reggie had become pretty good friends ever since the speakeasy opened. Sure, he was an ass sometimes, but he cared for his friends and made it clear that you were one of those friends. Plus he really cared about the speakeasy. Regardless, he did not seem to want to say what that phone call was about. "Uh, haha, hey there Y/N. It was just about.. a shipment order that didn't go through correctly. Yeah so, nothing to worry about." he stumbled out. Definitely was being suspicious, but maybe he'd spill the beans when Ronnie wasn't standing right there. You decided to drop it and ask another time. "Oh, ok then. See ya tomorrow Reggie." you replied. "Yup, see you tomorrow."

                You headed out into the rain, getting soaked pretty quickly. The ride home was sure going to be fun. Hopefully the roads weren't too slippery. You glided back home on your bike, feeling the rain whip your face. After a while you didn't mind the cold, since you loved when it was rainy outside. You made it home in one piece, surprisingly, and went inside. The lights to Sweet Pea's house were off, but that was to be expected. No one was home there. You unlocked your door and threw your jacket onto the coat rack. You hadn't realized it, but you were pretty exhausted. You walked into your room, dressing into your pajamas and clambering into bed. As always, you made sure your phone was on ringer before you fell asleep. So you could hear the text from Sweet Pea when he experienced his nightly horror.

||Prince - Sweet Pea x Reader|| Riverdaleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن