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-6/23/23——10:15 AM—Fri—

                You woke up, this time on your own accord. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes, sitting up slowly. Sweet Pea wasn't in the bed next to you. Honestly, you had hoped he would be there. You got up, creeping to the door. You heard the sizzling of food, but also voices. It was Sweet Pea, and a deeper male voice. Sounded like J.P to you. You were about to step out of Sweet Pea's room, but thought about it for a second. It would look a bit strange to see you had spent the night, as long as Jughead hadn't said anything to his dad. Sweet Pea probably thought about this, and that's why he didn't wake you up. You went to lay back down, but why not have a little fun instead. You hid next to the door, waiting for him to come in so you could scare him. You heard the front door close, which you assumed was J.P leaving, and after a few minutes he opened the bedroom door. He stepped in, and you thought he looked pretty goofy trying to figure out where you went. You ran out and jumped on his back. He must've panicked, cause out of instinct he flipped you over onto the bed. He looked at you in shock, then burst out laughing. "Prince, what the hell was that?" he asked. You smiled, and he reached out to brush your hair out of your face. He brushed held your cheek before pulling his hand away. "I made breakfast again. No complaining this time, you asked to stay over." he said. You nodded in agreement, getting up. You both went to sit at the table and eat together.

                "How did you sleep? Did you really not wake up at all?" you asked him. He smiled, looking at you with sparkling eyes. "I really didn't. Guess my prince is really my knight in shining armor." he teased. You smiled back, eating the breakfast he made. "I know I say this every time, but this is really good Pea." you told him. "Thanks, I try my best. Anyway, I assume you heard him, but J.P was here before you attacked me. He explained to me what happened last night, if you want to hear about it." he said. "Honestly, I don't want to hear about it, not yet. That was just scary." you admitted. He nodded. "Let me know if you ever want to hear about it then." he said. You heard a notification from your phone, and saw it was Fangs.

Fangs 🕷️:: Ay, we're hanging out at the speakeasy again tonight. Bangin party. 5 PM bring Sweets

                "Fangs says everyone's going to the speakeasy at 5 tonight. Big party. Do you wanna come with?" you asked. "Course I do. I could use a drink after the shit I've gone through over the past few days." he said with a grin. "Past few days? What else's been going on?" you asked. His smile faltered. "Nothin', you know, just all the crazy shit lately. Those phone calls n stuff." he explained. You didn't buy it. "Speaking of those phone calls, that date is set for the first day of school, and only 3 days away. Should we be more worried about that?" he asked. "I dunno, but I'm get that letter down to the sheriff's office soon so I can find out who wrote it." you replied. "I can take ya if you want." a he offered. "Feels like you're taking me everywhere lately, but sure, if you don't mind." you said. "Course I don't mind, anything for you." he joked with a wink. You punched his arm from across the table and went to put your plate in the sink.

                You grabbed the note after you got dressed and waited for Sweet Pea out near his bike. Today was pretty sunny, with a nice cool breeze. Surprisingly not that hot for the time of year. Sweet Pea joined you outside, and you both climbed onto his bike. At the sheriff's office, you turned in the note and explained the situation. They sounded skeptical at first but promised they'd do their best to match the handwriting to people who could be involved. They warned you though that it wasn't likely they'd find a match as they couldn't cross reference everyone's handwriting, only most likely suspects. Since that was sort of a bust, you decided to go to the Whyte Wyrm with Pea to check up on a job of his. He wasn't set for anything for the whole weekend, so he was clear to go to the speakeasy with you tonight. By the time you finished your various errands with him, it was 4:30. You guys had skipped lunch, deciding you'd get something to eat later at the speakeasy. It felt great, being able to go about your whole day with him and be regular for a change, even if only for a few hours.

                You two headed over to the speakeasy, where it seemed like Joaquin and Kevin were the only ones who had shown up yet. Joaquin saw you two enter, and smiled, waving you over. They had already ordered some food, which Kevin offered to you. You both took some gratefully. "So how's it been? Job last night crazy enough for you?" Joaquin asked. He said it with a smile, but he still looked somber. He also regretted what had happened. "It wasn't quite my speed." was all Sweet Pea said. "I'm just glad you're all safe now." Kevin added with an awkward smile. "Thanks, Kev." you said. You and Sweet Pea sat down on a couch across from the other two, with Sweet Pea adjusting a bit closer every once in a while. "While we wait for everyone else to show up, let's have some fun. How about, how did you two meet?" Kevin asked to you and Sweet Pea." Joaquin looked a little wary, but you didn't mind. You hadn't told the story to anyone outside of the Serpents, but Kevin seemed good as anyone to be the first to hear. "It's a bit of a long story, and kinda sad." you said. Sweet Pea nodded. "If you're not in the mood for a bummer, I wouldn't insist." he added. "Oh come on, it's gotta be some cool ass origin story then, right?" Kevin asked.

"Well, it all started when I joined the Serpents, about a week after Sweet Pea did......"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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